Situation Confort Longueur Temps mort
Great classic. Not uncomfortable as many people say in my opinion and I have no problem with it
Airtimes Ejectors Hangtime Harnais
Even in row 5 it was so good. Punchy airtime which btw is so underrated and decent theming. Harness sucks but oh well I can’t imagine how good it is in the back row
Inversions Intensité Fluidité
No cons for this ride. It’s smooth intense and underrated I know it’s a clone but it’s still a great ride which shouldn’t be overlooked
Vitesse Fun Intensité Inconfort
Light headbanging but like I said in my viper review it didn’t hurt so all good. Intense ride and the stand up position wasn’t as bad as I thought and decent theming too
Situation Harnais Longueur
Great intro coaster for inversions there’s nothing wrong with it solid ride stop hating on it omds
Débit Harnais Longueur Vibrations Théma Sans intérêt
It’s okay it’s there kinda trash ngl
Bonne suprise ! Intensité Baffes
For being a 5ft kid it didn’t hurt me one bit. I still get headbanging at the end but not painful. I was so nervous about it aswell. It’s a very intense ride with great inversions. First drop is overrated.
First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Inconfort Temps mort
Out of this world aside from the lame turn. It’s a lot let’s just say
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors
My first rmc did not disappoint just a shame it doesn’t duel
Situation Chef d'oeuvre Intensité
Amazing setting colour scheme perfect pretzel loop insane moment there’s nothing more to say it’s so good
Intensité Fluidité Ejectors Harnais
Quite underwhelming high five element slaps and rest of layout is smooth and decent pace
Airtimes Launch Hangtime Trop court
Underrated launch and great start to the day (first ride)