Haven’t ridden this in about 5-6 years from writing the review, from what I recall, it was actually pretty good for a family coaster, about equal in quality to the triple-loop SBF Visa Spinning Coaster across the park for reference. (In other words, it’s pretty good, but doesn’t do much)
Situation Fluidité
Not bad for a family coaster, it just doesn’t really do anything.
Intensité Vibrations Baffes
The first time I rode Flight Deck at Canada’s Wonderland I loved it, as it was the first inverting roller coaster I ever rode. However, after coming back the following year, after getting far more familiar with roller coasters as a whole, I did not. The bad profiling and the down right awful head banging resulted it this ride leaving me with a headache for the duration of my trip to Canada’s Wonderland the second time around, something I had never put thought to the first time around because of how much I loved it. In conclusion, I liked it at first, but once I got to know it better, I did not.
Airtimes Inversions Longueur Fiabilité
Steel Vengeance, from my experience, has plenty of variation. At worst, it is an A-/B+, at best, it is an A++. To get the best Steel Vengeance ride experience in my opinion, you need a trimless ride in the back row (later in the day especially), which can be hard to get when factoring in both assigned seating and the fact that the ride seems to be trimmed more often then not. Overall, this is a fantastic ride. Also, though it might be bad luck, I found this ride VERY unreliable
First Drop Vitesse Fluidité
Amazing ride, extremely fast, extremely smooth, with particularly the ride’s pacing is incredible.