First Drop Vitesse Baffes Harnais Intensité
I was hyping this to be the second best in the park. It ended up in 4th for me. The ride features the old Vekoma trains and restraints, and while the drops from the spikes were amazing, the trains made it very uncomfortable. I'm not the biggest fan of high intensity coasters, and this coaster is very intense, I felt it was too much for me.
Inversions Intensité Longueur
Such an underrated coaster. This is an excellent ride, all the inversions are great, and it even has a couple of airtime spots towards the end. Unfortunately, it has a little bit of a rattle, but looking past it, it's probably a top 3 floorless coaster (and it isn't no.3)
Launch Vitesse Fun
Wow... This is a magnificent coaster! The section between the second launch and the stall is probably one of the most well paced and fun rides I've been to! I was already expecting a lot from this, but somehow it surpassed my expectations, that's in my overall top 3, only behind FLY and Iron Gwazi. Good, fun coaster
Longueur Sans intérêt Temps mort Layout
This was the second RCCA coaster I've ridden. While I was expecting a brutal roughness from it, what I got was actually just a boring ride. It felt like an endless slow helix. There were some spots where it was rough, but it wasn't terrible. Montezum is far worse, but this also needs the RMC conversion.
Bonne suprise ! Fun Longueur
This is probably the coaster I've smiled the most while riding. This is the true definition of a fun coaster. It is a long ride, and it has an indoor portion. What a creative and good layout Vekoma came up with! Having ridden two Big Thunder Mountains, and Tren Minero at Fantasilandia, this is definitely the best mine train coaster I've been to.
Théma Launch Fun
While I did find this coaster fantastic, I feel I overhyped it a little bit. There's a section before the second launch that it fails the pace a little bit, but excluding this part, the ride is just perfect. The airtime, the speed, the close-calls with the buildings around, everything is very well done. My second favourite coaster at the park, but it could be the number one in most parks around the world.
Théma Vitesse Fun
One of the most surprising coasters I've been to. I'm not too huge of a fan of positive G forces, and after riding Manta and the Superman flying coaster at GAdv, I was expecting that F.L.Y. would have high-intensity moments as well. Fortunately, this coaster surprised me a lot. Not only by the fantastic themeing of Rookburgh section of Phantasialand, but also because the ride felt so fluid. This is the first flying coaster that I actually felt like I was flying. The coaster does pull some positive Gs at helixes, but all the turns, inversions, and airtime felt so natural. This is one of the greatest coasters ever made.
Situation Harnais Inconfort
Alpen Blizzard is a fun coaster located in Alpen Park. It features the same layout, and somehow the same placement, as Cliffhanger at Glenwood Caverns. The coaster is fun and intense, but since its layout is so squished together, along with S&MC's seatbelts and restraints, the ride becomes very uncomfortable to ride, especially after the "midcourse break run" helix drop. It is intense.
Fun Trop court Débit
Good family coaster. I didn't ride it after the park put new trains on it in 2024, but when I first rode it in 2011 and then in 2017, it rode pretty well. Unfortunately, since Beto Carrero is a family-oriented theme park, the line on this coaster can get very big
Fun Harnais Temps mort
Star Mountain is an adequate second coaster. It's not big that scares people away, but it also features inversions and some good moments, even though there are some dead spots on the ride, such as the bayerncurve itself, that it really kills the pace. It's an ok ride, the hill after the drop delivers a little bit of airtime, which was surprising, and the corkscrews are pretty fun as well, but it features the old vekoma trains, and the dead spots don't contribute much to the ride. It's a pretty old ride, it must be on the chopping block soon enough, but it's still an ok ride, and a good first-inversion coaster ride.
Situation Vitesse Vibrations
From all of the SLCs I've been to, including Raptor at Fantasilandia, Flight Deck at CW, Kong at SFDK, etc. this is pretty much the best SLC I've ridden. Firewhip has the new Vekoma trains, features a beautiful entry plaza, and good queue. Unfortunately, it's still a SLC. It's notable that the park does everything to well maintain this coaster, to market it as a great coaster, but unfortunately, the coaster does have a bad rattle, even with the new trains, you can still feel the rattle and the rough spots of the ride, mainly between the first drop/roll over, and after the hill before the sidewinder. The SLC layout is very well done, but if it was manufactured by B&M or it would receive the Great Nor'Easter retrack, this would become a world-class inverted coaster
Good kiddie coaster, serves the park well
Good kiddie coaster, serves its purpose very well at the park
Launch Fun Fluidité Trop court
Katapul is, for me, the best roller coaster in Brazil right now. Even though it's a short ride and is around for almost 50 years now, Hopi Hari maintains this coaster pretty well, retheming and retracking some of the ride in 2022. The launch is great! The whole crew working on this ride hype up the train before the launch, it features an audio, and it's very well done. After the good counterweight launch, it goes through the intense vertical loop, and into the spike, which will deliver airtime throughout the entire train. The layout is repeated backwards, and ends up in the back spike, which will also deliver a bit of airtime. Great coaster!
Fun Fluidité Layout
Vurang is one of the most fun coasters available! It's an indoor coaster, and features a long, smooth and fun layout! It features two lift hills, and one good thing is that, while the ride do have a pacing issue, the free spinning trains make up for it. IMO, it's better and more fun than coasters such as Vogel Rok or Crazy Bats, and it definitely should be more talked about in the coaster community. As of right now, I'd say it's probably the second best coaster in Brazil, behind Katapul. Good ride!
Situation Inconfort A raser ! Lap Bar
I've been around some bad coasters - Time Warp at CW, Big Apple Coaster pre sky rocket trains, etc. Montezum is easily the worst coaster I've ridden. Unfortunately, I don't think Hopi Hari ever fully retracked the ride since its opening, and it shows. The ride experience begins with a slow crawl out of the station into the lift hill. This slow crawl and slow lift hill already show how unconfortable the ride is going to be. The train jerks and rocks side to side, it's very bad. After the climb to the top, you'll experience a pretty but very poorly mainteaned drop. Since it is curved, instead of turning gradually during the drop as it was designed, the track just curves and it's probably the worst coaster drop you'll find. The train then navigates through an airtimeless airtime hill, and goes into the turnaround. Don't go in this ride if you have back problems, the square wheels will make the train feels like its bouncing up and down during the entire layout. The worst parts are yet to come. After the turnaround, you go through a pointless hill before dropping underground again into the helix. Get ready for the helix. The laterals are brutal, and the track design and train don't help at all, you need to brace the lateral parts of your body during this part. After the helix, you'd think it will be better, but after another airtimeless airtime hill, you go through the second worst part of the ride, excluding the helix. It's the second turnaround. This turnaround is so rough and catches you off guard that you just feel the laterals terribly in your body. I had a key in my pocket when I first rode it in 2022, and got out of the ride with a bruise in my leg because of the bouncing, and people have had fractured bones in this coaster before. The ride features an interesting layout, which is why it is a prime candidate for a RMC conversion, which it desperately needs. At the very least, it needs a full retrack, but I think the hybrid conversion would be more viable in the long term for the park. It's unfortunate that Montezum is South America's largest coaster, this ride is no good at all, even though it is a gorgeous coaster and very well placed.