• Robert A.

    Lap Bar Ejectors Intensité

    How does a ride provide such strong airtime but feel tame at the same time? It feels controlled, yet out of control at the same time, a weird "in-between" of the two. I really was not expecting to prefer Piraten or even Balder!

  • Robert A.

    Vibrations Inconfort

    Not as horrible as I was expecting but still awful

  • Robert A.

    Baffes A raser !

    How did Intamin manage to be worse than Pinfari?

  • Robert A.

    Inconfort A raser !

    Just another boomerang. I dread every single one of these. The backwards cobra roll is one of the most disorienting elememts on any coaster, and not in the good way. Garbage rides

  • Robert A.

    Harnais Inconfort A raser !

    Pure misery. Audio was broken, a ridiculous shuffle in a restraint that you can barely move around in, and the backwards part was absolutely dreadfully god awful. "Best boomerang in the world!!!" No. Words could not describe how much I wanted to get off by the time we were going up the second spike in preparation for the backwards section. Never again

  • Robert A.

    Bonne suprise ! Confort Fun

    Call me maybe hardstyle remix

  • Robert A.

    Of all the rides in this park this one made me feel the most nauseous

  • Robert A.


    Random jarring valley

  • Robert A.


    Nice terrain usage, unique seating and the lack of lateral support is fun (if you don't hold the side bars) but still very much a family coaster at the end of the day

  • Robert A.


    The hairpins were some of the smoothest on any mouse I'd done then the valleys of the drops rattle you to the core

  • Robert A.

    Bonne suprise ! Fun

    If GCI made a powered coaster

  • Robert A.

    Déception ! A raser ! Temps mort

    Bottom of the barrel

  • Robert A.

    Intensité Inconfort Sans intérêt Temps mort

    First drop and loop were surprisingly disappointing, then the rest of the layout was nothing to write home about. Doing heartline rolls strangely high in the air is funny, but a lot of the ride is "why?"

  • Robert A.

    Lap Bar Inversions Launch Vibrations Trop court Débit

    I wish it was a little more out of control and was longer and smoother, but it's a great little ride. Gets queues that are far too long though. When this is on an hour and Revolution is 5 minutes, I know what decision I'm making.

  • Robert A.
  • Robert A.

    Fun Vibrations Fiabilité

    Sat on the side and came off completely dry.

  • Robert A.

    Fun Trop court Théma

    It's nice to have finally done a Schwarzkopf shuttle loop but have realised these are *extremely* short rides, even going into them with that knowledge. Like they are done insanely quickly. I also wished they would have more indoor effects, the loop & spike being done in complete pitch black was a little disappointing

  • Robert A.


    Fun pilot

  • Robert A.

    First Drop Débit Sans intérêt Temps mort

    The ride is now thankfully smoother than what it used to be, which is a major improvement over last year. It still has a few jolts here and there, but nowhere near as bad. Capacity has been majorly improved as you can now wait at the air gates, but it's still a weird and wrong decision for the park because it can only ever run one train.

  • Robert A.

    Théma Lap Bar Vitesse Airtimes Temps mort

    Wish it had more airtime, but pretty decent wooden coaster that largely favours large swooping turns over hills.

  • Robert A.

    Théma Inversions Intensité Harnais

    I went into this ride hearing about it being rough, especially at the end. But I was met with a comfortable experience and seriously intense roller coaster. There are a lot of repeat inversions but surprisingly you never realise it. The two pops of ejector airtime are great and the cobra roll isn't as rough as people say. However, the restraint gets far too tight during the ride which can dig into your thighs quite harshly especially close to the end of the ride.

  • Robert A.

    Théma Situation Layout

    I got my reride and this coaster is every bit as awesome as everyone says it is. I'm so happy to like this ride as much as all the others now.

  • Robert A.

    Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    Has perhaps the single worst jolt I've ever experienced on a roller coaster, on the apex of the hill immediately after the loop. A horrific shake from side to side rattles your entire body as you sit there helplessly. The rest of the ride isn't that bad, but I vividly remember thinking to myself "I want to get off now" for the whole rest of it after that... thing. The operator agreed with me that it's a stinker; Clacton has a real gem in their hands.

  • Robert A.

    Débit Inconfort Sans intérêt

    Just offensively bad for a spinning mouse. One of the slowest 'major' (if you can even call it that) coasters I've done. Makes about three quarters of one rotation in the second half before harsh brakes to finish off an incredibly lacklustre ride.

  • Robert A.

    Inconfort A raser ! Sans intérêt

    Trims hit hard several times throughout the layout, and even went as far as momentarily completely stopping some cars. Glad it didn't happen to me though. The initial hairpins were fine, but everything after is just "we're going up and down, but why?" because it trims so hard that none of the hills give airtime and punches you in the gut too. It's like the ride hates you or something

  • Robert A.

    Airtimes Situation Vibrations

    I love the f**k-off massive second drop into the tunnel. That combined with the airtime hill that goes into it is a contender for the most memorable part of any coaster to me. Unfortunately though this is the roughest roller coaster I have ever ridden and I nearly cried & threw up on it. It is VIOLENTLY ROUGH. There's one moment of this ride that saves it from being my worst ever coaster. Retrack, or change the trains, please.

  • Robert A.

    Layout Vibrations Harnais Inconfort

    Ouch, what a colossal fall-off. What used to be my #1 until mid-2022 is now barely hanging onto the top 100 a year and a half later. My most recent ride in my favourite seat was littered with uncomfortable forces and a persistent rattle where, when in combination with its awfully restrictive accordion restraints, makes for an overwhelmingly negative ride experience. The positives in the loops were as strong as ever, and while I do like my fair share of strong G's, they just weren't fun this time around. And it cost £11 to ride

  • Robert A.

    Longueur Sans intérêt

    my first virtual reality roller coaster, and it makes a multi million euro roller coaster feel incredibly akin to an arcade motion simulator. while the actual video is fun I think I would rather just see theming throughout the ride instead of a screen

  • Robert A.

    Bonne suprise !

    has a worse layout than fear but had absolutely none of the 'thumping' issues, in fact was glass smooth

  • Robert A.

    Bonne suprise ! Layout Vibrations Inconfort

    the tricks are fun but unfortunately the tracking is quite uncomfortable with notable 'thumps' throughout the layout similar to dragon's fury at Chessington. has a much better layout than force