Vitesse Layout Longueur Inconfort
I only got one ride on this, but God was it amazing. An absolute technical marvel in engineering from those over at the Gravity Group. Most definitely my favorite wooden rollercoaster. Can be bumpy in some moments but thats a very minor complaint.
Airtimes Vitesse Layout
One of the most underrated coasters ever built. It still surprises me when people are shocked this is in my top 5. This is the best paced RMC outside of the raptors with some absolutely insane highlights and no dead spots. One of my best memories was lapping this 6 times in a row without getting off and having my ride op literally set my restraint the highest it would go without it not verifying. Like he would inch it down little by little until it verified. Definitely was against the rules but I was loving it.
Airtimes Fluidité Ejectors Intensité
Very strong and filled with tons of ejector pops. A great layout that will cause some thigh soreness from the sheer amount of airtime moments. Only reason I don't rate this higher is because I prefer sustained airtime but I totally understand the hype.
First Drop Lap Bar Fun Layout
Kind of carried by its stats but that doesn't mean it isn't great. Spends too much of its time high off the ground so it can't showcase its speed like a giga should. But, when it is low to the ground its phenomenal. That speed hill is a great airtime moment too.
Airtimes Lap Bar Longueur Vibrations
My second favorite B&M hyper is chalk full of sustained floater airtime. Had one of my favorite coaster memories on this when I got about 6 inches between me and the restraint on my last ride of the night. Splashdown is a nice cherry on top. Can rattle a bit in the valleys but it's not bad.
Airtimes Vitesse Layout Théma
My favorite GCI by far. The fast paced crossovers are excellent and all have a bit of airtime in there to compliment the laterals. Just a masterful layout. The shed leaves a bad taste in your mouth but who cares?
First Drop Lap Bar Launch Trop court
RIP the OG Dragster. The best launch of all time. That top hat with those lap bars was absolutely insane. Will be missed. So lucky I got to ride for the first time this just two weeks before it closed forever.
First Drop Inversions Fun Temps mort
The best dive coaster in the US, hands down. First drop is obviously killer, but that Zero G roll is very underrated too. Some other elements don't hit as hard and the vest restraints suck, but the high points of this ride make up for it.
Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Ejectors Temps mort
Absolutely carried by the last third, but damn is that last third good. Those final bunny hills is my favorite finale of all time. The turnaround and first half of the return trip do absolutely nothing and are kind of uncomfortable, but I can't even describe the insanity of the finale. Car 1 Row 3 man, Car 1 Row 3.
First Drop Lap Bar Longueur Temps mort
Extremely fun, despite it not being insanely forceful. Has some underrated airtime moments and some damn good positives too. I understand the criticism about the dead spaces and the forcelessness on some elements.
Launch Vitesse Fun
Downright fun. Each element hits and they all offer different types of forces from positives to laterals to negatives to whip. Second launch has incredible kick. Setting over the water is great. For my money, one of the most underrated coasters out there.
Airtimes Inversions Vitesse Trop court
A middle to lower end RMC is still great. First drop and stall stand out here, and there are a few other good airtime moments. Keeps it speed well which makes its shorter duration acceptable.
Launch Vitesse Fun Trop court
Absolute gut punch of a launch. Zero G roll is an outstanding inversion, and the other ones are serviceable. A little short but that launch is worth it.
Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar Layout
One of my favorite first drops of all time. Restraints are awesome. While I appreciate it doing something different for a B&M Hyper with its twister layout, I think that hypers should just stick to floater. On the lower end for B&M Hypers, but you can't go wrong with a B&M Hyper.
Airtimes First Drop Situation Temps mort
Features two of the best elements on any coaster: the first drop and the quarry wall dive. Its setting is awesome. Ride this later in the day because in the morning it absolutely crawls on top of the quarry wall.
Vitesse Intensité Layout Trop court
Runs at an absolutely breakneck pace. Love every moment on this ride. Setting over the water is great. Could use a couple more elements and I've heard its getting rough
Airtimes Layout Longueur Temps mort
A great RMC where absolutely every element hits. One of RMC's simplest, yet best layouts. The blue camelback, top gun stall, and high five are three of my favorite elements of all time. Make it duel more and speed up the lift hill and this is close to perfect.
First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Inconfort
Nothing short of insanity. My favorite first drop on any coaster. Can be rough in the outside seats and has a dead spot at the main turnaround. Not for everyone but I can't blame you if you have this as your #1. It's sister Eejanaika is my biggest bucket list coaster thanks to this.
Inversions Intensité Layout Fiabilité
God I love flying coasters, and this is easily my favorite. The inversions are all highlights, with the graceful ones and the rip-your-face-off pretzel loop. Benefits a lot from its size. Only flaw I can think of is reliability/dispatches (but this is just in the flying coaster's nature) and a slight rattle at the valley of the pretzel loop.
Airtimes Vitesse Layout Inconfort
One of the best wood coasters out there with a sneaky good layout. Insane laterals throughout and a few great airtime moments. Can be bumpy at times but chalk that up to wooden coaster aggression more than roughness.
Lap Bar Launch Fun Trop court
One of my favorite launches on any coaster. Good airtime rising up/falling down the top hat depending on where you sit. Intamin T-Bars are great restraints. Could use a couple extra elements of course.
Vitesse Intensité Layout Trop court
Runs with absolutely breakneck pace. Some absolutely insane ejector moments but none that are that sustained. Restraints aren't great. I say its too short but I also appreciate it never loses its speed.
Airtimes Fluidité Hangtime Fiabilité
Some of my favorite inversions from RMC. Keeps its speed well. Not always open but I think that's a park problem more than anything. Way stronger in the back row.