• Ashton H.

    Inversions Intensité Baffes Inconfort

    I personally prefer the more sprawling inverts (Banshee, Montu, etc.) Raptor is reminiscent of a Batman clone in intensity and pacing, only longer with a MCBR. Unfortunately the headbanging was so bad it was distracting. The majority of coasters at Cedar Point are better, in my humble opinion.

  • Ashton H.

    Débit Inversions Situation Airtimes

    Easily one of the best B&M coasters open today. The location at the front gate next to the water is second to none, the near-miss elements and wing-over drop are iconic. It pulls great positive forces while being super smooth in the front and back. And it has some of the most elite operations/dispatches in the game, being at the front of one of the busiest parks in the world. The only reason it's not ranked higher is because it's overshadowed at Cedar Point.