Chef d'oeuvre Layout Hangtime
After my first morning ride, I was like - it is so fast! And in the evening on a hot day it was blowing me away all the time! Launches are fantastic, layout is very creative, packed with airtime, positive Gs, hangtime. Taiga is another masterpiece from Intaming. But do not ask me if it is better than Taron. One bad thing that I can say about Taiga is that the first launch aims towards sun setting side and the sun in Finland is very sharp and very slow fading and I was blinded on every evening ride.
Bonne suprise ! Fun Fluidité
I read some bad reviews before I rode Pitts Special and I was very surprised after this coaster delivered in every way! Comfortable, smooth, two amazing airtime moments, wow!
Inversions Launch Layout
Fantastic Infinity Coaster with great inversions, powerfull launch, comfortable seating, plenty of hangtime, laterals. Simply Amazing. The biggest con is that is located in poorly operated park and even when the park is full with one hour queue they keep in on one train service... that is criminal.
Confort Fluidité Temps mort Layout
The main con of the most of the coasters made by Mack that I have ridden is a weak layout. This coaster has three good parts. First is the launch if you sit in the front row, second is hangtime in the loop if you sit in the middle and the third is the last inversion. But everything else feels not well designed. So many dead spots.
Longueur Théma
Well paced family coaster with unfinished and cut theming
Théma Layout Hangtime Vibrations Déception ! A raser !
I will be very honest with you. This was the most anticipated coaster of 2024 for me. I have watched and read some mixed reviews but still I was like this could be possibly even the new number one or something in top 10, but man… first ride of the day on the outer seat was soooo painful. I have never ridden a coaster with just a lap bar that rattled, shaked, that much that couse me that my head hurt. And I have ridden nearly 400 coasters. So I was like this could be one of thouse two trains that has not optimized suspension as I read in the reviews. Second ride, different train, outer seat, same experience. I felt very sad and my head hurt as hell but I tried once again and outer seat again and sadly the same train like for the first time. I prayed the whole ride it will end soon. I was recovering so long after those brutal three rides. It was nothing like enjoyable. I was so dissapointed and pissed of. But in the end of the day, I returned. Inner seat this time. And what a difference. Like night and day. That ride was fantastic. Very forcefull, manny ejectors, brilliant inversions, very powerfull vertical launch into the awesome hangtime… however is this what you want from a coaster? Fear that you will get the bad train and ruin your day with a headache? Everyone should get the same experience. I do not get why the park even allowes this. They must know about this… I though for a moment that it could be me since the season just started and later I rode Silver Star twice and with that butter smooth ride… They need to fix the rattle as soon as possible. I enjoy ridding rollercoasters but those three morning rides almost made me regret that I came all the way there. I wish this was made by Gerstlauer or Intamin.
Lap Bar Launch Débit
On very dead day I manage to ride it 13x. The launch is nothing like Formula's Rossa, but still it is amazing. In the end of the launch the train has a tendence to jump up and down with very unpleasant way - that is the only weakness of the coaster itself. Operations are another topic. Trains are very comfortable, spectacular views, great coaster.
Théma Fun
I was surprised with very long darkride section in the beggining and also with the drop from dark to the lift hill. As a family coaster the first half is a quite intense. This coaster was better than I was expecting.
Even worse operations than on Expedition GeForce. Two operators and I sit in the train like 5 minutes before dispatch.
It was awesome to be one of the first riders. It does not feel like the biggest Junior Boomerang but I love how it sits on the hill.
I imagine back in the day this had to be one of the best thrilling coasters. It is so fast and intense until the last turn!
Harnais Fluidité Layout
The best dive coaster I have ridden! Better than Baron, Krake and even Oblivion the black hole. I love the vests.
Airtimes Confort Fluidité Déception !
One of the biggest disappointments. I admit I have high expectations. First ride at the start of the day felt even slower than Heidi or Wilkolak... In the evening it was better but still so slow in the second half.
Vitesse Fun Hangtime Launch Lap Bar
Layout is incredible, inversions are amazing. It is long, very fun. Great coaster. Cons - lap bar is brutally getting tightened during the ride until it hurts and launches are not launches at all, just accelerators. Would love to see what this coaster could be, if it was made by Intamin.
Déception !
What they did to this classic is so brutal. I loved the old Shaman.
It was smooth for a wild mouse, but the hell the queue was endless over an hour!
So many laps special and I love the cable that leads to the middle.
There was no queue for the coaster eventhough it has low capacity and the park was very bussy. It is shaky and very forcefull especially on the way back.
Théma Fun
I love the canyon are where this coaster is located. It has everything, audio, theming, it is smooth and also very family friendly.
I was expecting wild-mouse like coaster but the indoor part in the dark blew me away! Remid me Euro-mir while riding backwards. Very intense kiddie coaster!
Zamperla kiddie coaster. I've ridden this clone before. Three laps special here in Bollywood. Smooth, just fun!
Zamperla kiddie coaster. I've ridden this clone before. Two laps special here in Legoland. Smooth, just fun!
Well themed indoor roller coaster. The section down the ground was my favourite.
Very punchy coaster. One turn has a rattle but the rest of the ride is very enjoyable and very intense.
Lap Bar Layout
That cattle pen queue is more that this ride can handle. Station feels very empty, not that well themed. The ride itself has a little rattle. I prefer Blue Fire.
I rode it with the backwards launch and it was really good. On the spike I looked far away around the park, but after coming back, trimms hits hard and there is no airtime on the hill.
Only one lap not special ride. A little faster than average Vekoma's kiddie coasters.
Launch Layout
The Launch is absolutelly amazing. It feels like it never ends. The rest of the layout is weaker. The launch makes the ride.