Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors Inversions
100ft. 55mph. Alan shulike was on crack creating this. Did god bress sfnw again?
Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Layout
I love this ride so much. You get ejected out of your seat on every hill. Would be my number one if they still had the t-bars, however, I can't fault them for that as an accident outlawed the t-bar in Massachusetts. I do think that they could get a clever workaround by using the superman ride of steel six flags america t-bars with metal bars on the side of your legs, making them technically not a t-bar. Great ride, and if you sit back then scoot forward the lab bar doesn't hurt, and you get some room. I'm pretty sure I rode this in the middle and it was a long time ago when I rode it so I need to go back and get a back row ride on this beast!
Airtimes Situation Chef d'oeuvre Vibrations
God like ride with so much floater! I got 22 rides in one day and it was amazing every time! Kinda rough but I have a very high tolerance to roughness so this does deserve all the praise it gets as well as its five gta awards! Also, back row has the best airtime.
Lap Bar Fluidité Temps mort Layout
Just a kind of boring swarchkopf looper. Nothing really special.
Airtimes First Drop Bonne suprise !
The first drop in the back is really fun and has great floater, and the rest is quite good! It wasn't rough and was something that was easy to lap because there is never a line. It's only good in the back row, but in the front it's quite bad and rough.
First Drop Inversions Vibrations Baffes Layout
Great, fun first drop that throws you out of your seat before plummeting down, but the rest of the ride has some solid gs but is overshadowed by the rattle and the headbanging that you get wih those awful ots restraints.
Inversions Intensité Longueur
A really fun old B&M looper, not as good as it's made out to be, but I did go on a cold, rainy day, so that might impact my opinion.
Fun Intensité Longueur Temps mort
A really fun and solid ride with some great moments. The one thing that I wish could be better is the final corkscrew. You see the train rip through it, but when you are on it, it's mediocre at best. However, it doesn't take away from the rest of the ride!
Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Trop court Débit
This ride is just nonstop floater. It has only buzzbars, which makes the airtime that much better, and its all just plain fun. YOu sadly can't lap this because it has a 35 min line most of the time, as they only run one train and the ride is also quite popular, but at least it isn't the boston tea party line!
Inversions Intensité Fluidité
So whippy, not the perfect ride but I love it nonetheless. A little disappointed though
First Drop Harnais Ejectors Trop court Temps mort
An amazing ride with one of the best first drops on a coaster and a really fun drop of the MCBR, other than that it was just okay, but those two elements made this the 3rd best coaster in the park.
Inversions Fun Fluidité Temps mort
This is a great ride. The pretzel loop is amazing, and the rest of the ride makes you feel like you are soaring through the sky, with the exception of the pop of air off of the mcbr. The reason this isn't 5 stars isbecause some of the ride feels like a family coaster, with very low thrills and slow speeds.
Inversions Confort Fun
This may be more of a family coaster, but this coaster might be the most fun I ever had on a coaster, as I went on it when I was very young. I really want to get back and re-experience one of my childhood favorites!
Confort Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Vibrations
How did such a god awful ride turn into one of my favorites? I think I like this more than montu! this is so intense with the rattle and the jerkiness making it feel so out of control, just pure fun. Only bad thing is it isn't crazy whippy and the brake run is horrid and slams you forward.
First Drop Fun Hangtime
No reason for the hate. The spikes are amazing the the rest is forceful. You might get some headbanging but not a lot, and it's better than the awful mid eraser, which is thankfully gone.
Launch Inconfort A raser ! Lap Bar
I hate this ride with a burning passion. I tried to get some room in the station and I did get some. But after the launch my restraint came down so far it felt as if a boulder was resting on my legs. No airtime. No hangtime. Just pain. And I wasn't even alone. Three out of the four people riding hated it because of the same reason. Although one person didn't mind the restraints. So maybe try it to see if you like it, but don't say I didn't warn you. The reason I give this 1.5 stars is because you probably will enjoy it more than I did.
Bonne suprise ! Situation Fun Harnais
This is one hell of a ride. A lot more fun than I thought it would be. Some solid airtime on some hills, the first launch was amazing, and the whole ride was just pure enjoyment.
Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar Temps mort
This ride is super fun in the back, with lots of air and an intense helix near the end, with some fun swooping turns and a lateral hargtime monent. However, the ride dies a little near the end, although the helix and the very end of the ride pick it back up.
Inversions Intensité Longueur Temps mort
So fun the whole time. The theming is top notch, and the intensity is surprising. Even if it dies after the mcbr, the rest of the ride makes this the second best ride in the entire resort, and the best rollercoaster there!
Airtimes First Drop Confort
I went on a 65 degree day, so mako was probably running horribly, yet I still had a blast! That first drop is amazing, as well as the camelback and the speed hill! Every moment is amazing, and the clamshells are the best restraints created besides than buzzbars! Ride in the back. You'll fly.