Airtimes Vitesse Intensité Débit Inconfort
Man, this ride is amazing.
Situation Fun
Incredibly fun and neat ride. Maintained very well, had a nasty pothole at the bottom of the first drop but frankly it ran smoother than a certain much larger and newer norcal wooden coaster about a tenth of its age.
Inversions Bonne suprise ! Fluidité Débit
Idc what anyone else says this is a significantly better ride than Storm Chaser and Twisted Timbers. Incredibly fun, well flowing layout with some fantastic inversions. The airtime power and quantity might not be there compared to other RMCs, but man this ride is just so incredibly fun. Pretty solid length as well. Wish it was operated better, the usual slow loading of RMC combined with one train and Discovery Kingdom's disappointing ops makes me sad this ride isn't easier to get on for such a fun and likely rerideable ride.
Airtimes Vitesse Layout Vibrations
Fantastic layout, incredibly forceful for a modern traditional wooden coaster. Near unacceptable and ride ruining roughness
Vitesse Intensité Ejectors Débit
Is cursing allowed on here because holy fuck
Airtimes Débit Ejectors Inconfort
This thing is one of the most fun rides on the planet
Théma Baffes Inconfort Temps mort
I used to find this ride was pretty good, but at this point its running really, really bad. Dark ride section is great as always, but the faster parts are just a mix of discomfort, boring or both. Not sure what it is but the ending also doesnt feel as crazy as it once did. Easily the worst coaster at dollywood IMO
Vitesse Fun Ejectors Théma Débit
This thing is a masterpiece. I think my favorite part about this ride is how yes, these are elements I've done before, however they're done in such a unique way. Starting at the beginning. First launch has a solid kick. WILD hangtime on that roll. Fun drop out. Trick track is really fun, smooth and just a nice little addition that feels more interesting than other little hills/turns on rides. Next up, first swing. Nice stall out. Then, this is where the ride really gets going. The backwards airtime is absolutely amazing. Spike is awesome. Two more great ejector pops and then a solid drop that feels like it absolutely hauls. Next up is the outward bank. To me, this feels like one of the old school Intamin overbanks. Very tall, fast and smooth but not a ton force. Good lats in every row, floater in the front and a really solid drop out of it in the back. The pop into the turn flows EXTREMELY well, transitioning from a nice airtime pop into positives really nicely. The stall next is really awesome. Solid whip in and out, nice second or two of hangtime. Great headchopper and then S Bends and that final wave turn is a nice, smooth way of ending off a ride. Every element on this ride is just really, really solid. It feels like different takes on elements I've already done before. I think something else that makes this ride really great to me is just how fun it is. Sure, it's not as aggressive as something like Maverick or I305, but it still has its intense moments and feels like a more enjoyable, reridable experience. Also, the restraints are great. Super open and comfortable and none of the squeezing Mack restraints have. My only big criticism is the capacity. Operations are just not all that great on this ride, and sure BGW's operations arent the best (looking at you apollo) but it really feels like the crew could've been operating this ride better. But still, lukewarm capacity and absent theming doesn't change the fact that this is an EXTREMELY fun, really nice flowing and just awesome ride. Busch and Intamin really have a fantastic ride on their hands and I hope the industry notices it.
Situation Vitesse Déception ! Sans intérêt Temps mort
This ride has consistently been going down in my rankings. Sure it's still a pretty good ride, but outside of a really good speed hill, a few decent moments of positivies and having a great sense of speed, this ride just feels like it just doesn't do much for me anymore. This is gonna sound like a fairly stereotypical thoosie thing to say, but Fury does nearly everything better than Millie
Airtimes Confort Fun
Idc what anyone says, this is the best ride at Dollywood and is one of the best wooden coasters out there
Airtimes Layout Fiabilité
A few awesome elements in a sea of basic speed hills.
Launch Vitesse Intensité Harnais Temps mort
This ride is SWEET. Such an intense ride.
Situation Inconfort A raser ! Temps mort