First Drop Inversions
This was the first ride I rode when I got to the park. Definitely one of the best coasters at the park. The inversions are so great, plus it’s a b&m coaster. Just amazing
First Drop Bonne suprise ! Confort Trop court
For some reason I got freaking ejected from my seat. It was the craziest airtime I’ve ever had.
Airtimes Inversions Fluidité
The best ride I’ve ever ridden. the theme is strange, but I like it. Airtime, thrill, inversion’s, etc.
Situation Layout Baffes Sans intérêt
Can I even put into words how much head banging there was, it gave me a migraine for another hour. Not to mention that it was my 2nd to last ride of the day. This ride sucks.
Launch Chef d'oeuvre
This is such a good indoor launch coaster. It’s sounds faster than it is but still. This is a master piece
This ride was amazing, definitely my 2nd favorite wild mouse.
This is my favorite wooden coaster ever. Especially how it roars once it gets in the station. This was just great.