• Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversions Fun Ejectors

    I've ridden plenty of times each year it's been open since 2018 and it somehow gets way better each year. Just constant airtime of incredible strength in quick pops like the trick track double up and all the smaller bunny hills as well as the very sustained triple camelbacks make up an amazing collection of pure ejector bliss. The quantity of airtime is amazing but also throwing in 3 great inversions with whip and hangtime and some crazy laterals on the outerbank under the lift hill really balances out this spectacular RMC creation.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Harnais Intensité Ejectors Trop court

    Skyrush makes me feel like I'm gonna die more than any other coaster and that is an amazing thing. The airtime on this doesn't even feel like it should be possible with how god damn strong it is. The drop is RIDICULOUS, the camelbacks literally pull -2 g's and are actually pretty sustained too, the low to the ground turns on this are intense almost to the level of I305 and the twisted hill and stengel dive give laterals to the level of feeling like the ride is going to snap your body in half with just the lap bar. The restraints on this I actually really like and they allow you to experience the insane forces to the fullest extent. This thing is absolutely non stop and gives just some of the greatest forces of any coaster.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Débit Longueur

    Fury is easily one of the most fun coasters out there. The drop is kind of overrated but still a super long fun sustained floater moment and the first half is just a great mix of speed and laterals with all those awesome turns and the entrance interaction and sideways airtime with the treble clef is a great refresher for a B&M. Every one of those 3 ending hills sends you totally flying and while this things pacing is weaker with the slow turn after the hive dive and slow helix under the drop, it is still a reallyyyy good ride and my second favorite in the park.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Confort Intensité Layout

    This takes the 7 inversion layout of Sfgadv Medusa or Scream and notches those up to 1000. The constant positives and whip just keep on coming and there aren't really any dead spots to me. My favorite current B&M and traditional looper and for good reason.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Confort Temps mort

    Mako was severely disappointing for me. While it was a nearly empty train for all 3 rides I got, I thought the airtime was pretty average and the layout wasn't all that special. It's got a great setting but doesn't deliver for a hyper and the finale is so dumb. Just a worse version of Candymonium imo.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Inversions Layout

    This was my #2 RMC after my first ride and while not as good looking back now it's still a brilliant hybrid coaster and layout. Shilke packed so much into a crazy tight space with tons of ejector, outward banks, wild lateral moments and kinks and fun inversions with plenty of headchoppers. A very long ride and while it does slow down a bit at the end, it still absolutely delivers as a great coaster.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Fun Fluidité

    These flying dutchmans are so weird but that is what makes them awesome. Batwing gives such a great mix of positives and even airtime on a flyer which is super crazy. The fly to lie and lie to fly elements are pretty great for those forces and the whole ride is just really forceful and well paced. Definitely better than the Suf clones.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Lap Bar Fluidité

    Fun coaster with some nice drops and laterals but unfortunately no airtime.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    First Drop Inversions Intensité

    Alpengeist pretty much takes the size and speed of banshee but combines that with the insanity of a 90's invert. The drop is still my favorite on a B&M with the crazy whip and forever lasting building of speed going down it, the immelman and loop are just pure sustained positives and the sense of speed is ridiculous. The cobra roll is something I still don't understand how it exists and the whip is almost unlike anything else. The second half is still really great with some good floater coming off the mcbr drop and the zero g roll and corkscrew giving some quite solid whip, even the ending helix is fun with the snow theming. It isn't running the best this year but is still an unbelievable experience.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversions Vitesse Intensité

    Hulk is one of the most non stop intense coasters I've ridden. This thing feels so fast and every inversion is awesome. The launch is really forceful and just amazing with the tunnel theming and the zero g roll is my favorite inversion still 5 years later, the cobra roll and first loop are essentially a sustained greyout and the rest of the ride is still really good with the helix around the launch tunnel and the two corkscrews and second loop. Definitely the best coaster in Orlando pre Velocicoaster.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    First Drop Débit Hangtime Vibrations Airtimes Temps mort

    I know I rode this when it was under 40 degrees the whole day but I just really didn't think this coaster was anything special. It mostly felt like filler elements and the airtime was pretty weak throughout, the drop as well as the dive loop and stall were pretty fun but that was mostly about it. The camelback and turnaround gave literally nothing as did the zero g roll and finale. I definitely need a reride but for now this is BY FAR my weakest RMC and isn't top 5 in the park.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Intensité Fluidité Layout Théma Débit

    I really enjoy standup coasters and this one just takes it to a whole new scale. Flying through those massive inversions and turns while standing provides some ridiculous positive g's and those g's are sustained for the whole ride and it's a long one with 5 inversions and a really complete layout. It is also a super smooth coaster and throwing in some good floater moments this is definitely one of the better B&M's for me.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Situation Ejectors Longueur

    Besides Beast at night this might be the most out of control ride I've ever experienced. The whole thing is so rough which makes it way crazier and it just keeps throwing crazy good ejector moments and laterals at you while weaving through the stunning mountainside. Such a long ride and honestly feels like an endurance test but a crazy fun one for sure.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes First Drop Harnais Trop court

    Don't underestimate the small stature of this wild wooden beast. The drop and all the hills give some surprising legit ejector and the turns give some awesome lats. Not a long coaster but worth the stop if you're doing Lake Compounce.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Launch Intensité Temps mort

    Maverick was a lot better this year than I remembered in 2018. This thing is a long and constant barrage of strong ejector, snappy laterals, great inversions and some really fun launches. That first drop is easily one of the best I've experienced and it throws you straight into those great snaps with some cool theming, follow that up with an amazing pure ejector hill that almost throws you into lake erie with its power. The twisted horseshoe roll is pretty solid but there isn't any whip or hangtime that really stands out too much. That second launch in that tunnel is so fast and a very good lsm launch that throws you into a crazy tight and fast left turn into a trimmed hill that still provides some ejector and great positives curving out of it. Those stengel dives are insane for just how sustained and strong the whip you get and especially on the second one. The final ejector hill is a great touch too and the whole ride just feels so fast and the pause before the second launch doesn't really ruin the pacing for me. The first half was a lot stronger and more forceful than I remembered and while it can't hold a candle to it's bigger brother in VA it's still awesome and second best at Cedar Point.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    First Drop Intensité Ejectors

    I've ridden this probably about 150 times and it still never gets old for me. That first turn is pretty much an automatic blackout for me every ride and the whole rest of the coaster is ridiculously fast and forceful. Those snaps don't feel safe and make maverick look tame, honestly the whole ride does that imo. This ride has airtime literally on those snaps too as well as on the speed hill coming off the big camelback, getting airtime combined with laterals going like 80 mph is surreal. The airtime in general is super underrated and really strong ejector with the first drop as well as the massive sustained skyrush level camelback and the hills later in the ride especially with the trims off. This thing has incredible pacing and is flawlessly smooth and whoever complains about the restraints has literally no pain tolerance. This will likely always be in or near my top 5 and is just a heaven like experience.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    First Drop Intensité Ejectors Temps mort

    Toro is one of the most wild coasters ever. I really don't get why people say this coaster only has 4 elements because it for sure has more than that. That being said, those 4 moments of ejector are absolutely nuts and don't feel safe on a woodie. The drop feels wayyyy too steep, the two camelbacks are insane and the pull into the valleys in the back is crazy intense as well as that rolling thunder hill is one of the greatest ejector pops in the world. This thing also has some amazing positives and lats in all the valleys, the turnarounds and snaps at the end to finish out a phenomenal coaster. Just such a great mix of forces and while the middle section is weaker, the beginning and ending more than make up for it.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Launch Intensité Ejectors Fiabilité

    LRod is one of the greatest creations known to man. This thing is honestly unbelievable to actually be existing with how godly it is. I’ve only ridden this as an all wooden coaster but I seriously doubt it’s that much weaker now. From the launch to that final brake run this thing is absolutely non stop with ungodly strong airtime both in both sustained moments and quick pops and some insane sideways moments of it. The drop is absolutely unreal with the terrain and coming into it with that much speed, the wave turn is just bonkers, the first twist and shout isn’t as much about airtime as it is with laterals but still is unbelievable but that second one is my favorite singular airtime moment and it’s the one coaster moment that makes me feel like I’m gonna die the most, the step up into the quad down is amazing and the quad down itself is unlike anything else I’ve experienced and the greatest airtime sequence probably on any coaster with the strength, quickness and terrain factor and that speed hill is just a continuation of that. This also has some very good positives with the valley after the drop and all the turns throughout and the final half loop, and not to forget the launch itself is pretty dang forceful and just so cool on a woodie. This ride is honestly pretty smooth and just the terrain factor and being a wooden coaster made the sense of speed feel dangerous on this. Very few coasters can top this or really come super close for me.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Inversions Intensité

    Talon feels like a better laid out Great Bear and I think a lot of people would agree with that. They have pretty similar stats and the same collection of inversions and while I do like the terrain and uniqueness of gb, I do like Talon better. This thing has some very solid whip on the drop as well as the zero g roll, corkscrew and surprisingly probably the best whip I’ve felt on an immelman. The loop is also pretty fun and forceful and all the turns and helices are very solid, the airtime pops into the brakes as well as on the drop off the helix over the entrance we’re very fun and rare for an invert. Overall a very smooth and well paced ride with no dead spots and a great color scheme to add.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Inversions Layout

    Last week I got to reride this for the first time since 2018 and oh boy, what a ride. This has to be the most complete coaster I’ve ridden with it’s incredible mix of airtime, inversions, great laterals and even some decent positives. This has the most airtime of any coaster and it’s easy to see why, it has so many different kinds of it also with sustained ejector, quick ejector pops and some crazy sideways and off axis moments. Every moment of airtime on this coaster feels different and I love that, every moment is so strong and it never ends. The drop is spectacular and lasts forever just like the amazing top hat and outer bank which feel illegal, the double up into the mcbr and drop off the mcbr are rly great, the wave turn and off axis hill into the structure give amazing sideways airtime, the inversions aren’t as whippy as I remembered but still super disorienting with the constant headchoppers and there’s a bunch of really weird and fun lateral moments. The finale is also just heaven and the restraints really allow you to feel the airtime, I honestly don’t get the complaints about those rmc lap bars. Just the best coaster I’ve ridden for everything I just explained.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Situation Harnais Layout

    Phoenix is so fun, definitely one of the best wooden coasters I’ve ridden for pure ejector air. With a buzz bar and no seatbelt you go absolutely flying on 8 or 9 moments and it just feels like a bunch of double downs on Jack Rabbit at Kennywood. It also has some ok laterals but the airtime is the focus and highlight here, some of the moments like rising into the turnarounds are kind of weaker but still good floater and I guess it could get repetitive but still awesome. Also is in a great forest setting and is just an all around classic.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Débit Intensité

    Honestly I was very pleasantly surprised with Orion. I had to go back and forth for about a week between this and fury because it’s just so fun. The drop and transition into the big turnaround are some very good sustained floater moments, the stengel dive doesn’t do much but it’s still fun, all the turns and valleys give amazing positives and an excellent sense of speed, the airtime on the speed hill and camelback as well as two pops right before the brake run have the best airtime I’ve experienced on a B&M and some wildly surprising sustained ejector and the pacing is phenomenal. A lot of people call this ride too short but it certainly did enough to satisfy me, especially considering the consistenly short wait it had. Definitely the best ride in the park for me.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Fluidité Temps mort
