• Coaster Nut

    Fun Intensité Layout Vibrations

    A great coaster with a terrific layout. I love the first drop along with the airtimes and forceful laterals. My first two rides near the front and back were great with tolerable wooden rattle. No lines, so I got right back on for ride #3 in the middle. NOT pleasant. The middle rattled horribly, and the lap bar became my enemy, especially on the airtimes. I couldn't wait for the ride to end. Front and back for me.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Vitesse Ejectors Vibrations

    My first 4 rides were in the rain, and the train was FLYING over the wet track. Those rides were really intense, and it was great. When the track dried off later, the train wasn't as fast. Even then, it still had good intensity. There was a moderate "clank" on some of the track joints. This was my 4th RMC Raptor, and even though I'd rank it 4th, it's still a great coaster. The best ride was in the rear seat in the rain - crazy airtimes and whip.

  • Coaster Nut

    Launch Layout Temps mort Intensité

    A tale of two halves. The launch was good, but the first half felt slow. Then, after the midway point, the train suddenly picked up speed and the ride had some intensity and fun. If only the first half had been as fun. Poltergeist at SFFT does the spaghetti bowl layout a lot better.

  • Coaster Nut

    Intensité Layout Vibrations

    I really like GCIs, and I always look forward to riding a new one. InvadR has a typically good GCI layout, but it was really rough in several places. I really wanted to like this more.

  • Coaster Nut

    Inversions Fun Fluidité Intensité

    A fun ride, but I guess I was expecting more in the intensity department. Still, I enjoyed it, and I liked the whip on some of the elements.

  • Coaster Nut


    Standard mouse layout, but this one jerked me around more than other mice (mouses?).

  • Coaster Nut

    Fun Débit Inconfort

    Not bad. Not great. Typical mouse layout. The quick turns were fun, but the little cars don't handle the hills and valleys smoothly. Slow loading process, too .

  • Coaster Nut

    Launch Fun Baffes

    Impulse coasters are always a nice diversion. This one has the usual fun launches and hangtime. There was a bit of headbanging against the shoulder harness, though.

  • Coaster Nut

    Théma Layout

    I usually don't care about theming, but the theming here is awesome. You really feel like you're on a mountain. While not the most thrilling coaster, it's just plain fun. We rode it 21 times because we hit the park on a slow day, so we never waited longer than 15 minutes. It was great. The backward ride in the dark is cool with some good ejectors. My favorite part is the backward spike in the cave, and then speeding downhill out of the cave into the helix.

  • Coaster Nut


    I rode this back in the 80s when it was an outdoor coaster and was called the Orange Blossom Special.

  • Coaster Nut

    Fun Intensité Fluidité Airtimes

    I rode the old ZZ back in the 90s, and I really like this updated reincarnation. The tight layout has some snappy transitions, which are more intense than you would expect for a coaster that's only 45 mph. It definitely feels faster than that. The GCI Titan/hybrid track provides a smooth ride, although it's really loud. There's not really any decent airtime, but this ride's focus is laterals, quick transitions and banked curves. The finale is really fun with the rapid turns. This is a solid mid-level-thrill coaster.

  • Coaster Nut

    Fun Débit

    I really like the new ZZ. The old ZZ made you get "up close and personal" with your co-rider --- single-row bobsled trains, two to a seat, with the front rider sitting between the legs of the back rider. It was a bit awkward if you got paired with a stranger. My foggy memory recalls a decent ride with moderate intensity. (The old ZZ was relocated to Colombia in 1997, and it's still in operation under a different name -- Montana Rusa.)

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Fluidité Hangtime Trop court

    The only water coaster in my top 100. It has good speed along with fun hangtimes and surprisingly good airtimes. Overall, it's very smooth with decent intensity. The backward airtime was my favorite part. You will not get wet riding this -- you will get drenched!

  • Coaster Nut

    First Drop Vitesse Intensité

    An awesome woodie. I don't understand why it's ranked only #198 on here. From start to finish, it blows through the layout, never slowing down. It makes me shout "Whoa!" a LOT. It's filled with great airtimes, snappy transitions and cool laterals. The front and back provide smooth rides and are where the airtimes really pop. (Middle seats rattle a bit.) But the front and back put Prowler solidly in my top 20. That curving first drop is one of my favorite first drops. It was a walk-on this evening, and I got in 15 rides in two hours. I could ride this thing forever. LOVE Prowler!

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Inconfort Airtimes

    Clunky. That's the word. Like other Morgans, each airtime hill is followed by an abrupt "clunk" as the train refamiliarizes itself with the track. Anyway, the first drop is good, and the first half has nice floater airtimes. The helix is fun and provides good positive Gs. The bunny hills at the end have good ejectors, but each is followed by the "clunk" that slams you back into the seat.

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes First Drop Inconfort

    This would be so much better if Morgan knew how to do airtime hills. The airtime is fun, but unfortunately each airtime moment is followed by a spine-slamming jolt as the train descends into each valley. I experienced the same issue on the airtime hills at the end of other Morgan coasters, Mamba and Phantom's Revenge, although they weren't as jarring as this.

  • Coaster Nut

    Inversions Bonne suprise ! Fun Baffes Harnais

    I really, really like this ride. The layout leads naturally into the inversions, which are smooth and fun. I list headbanging as a con, but it's really earbanging. That hard plastic OTSR smacks my ears, making them bright red and a little sore after each ride. I'd like Kumba even more if the OTSRs had shoulder straps. (My ears would definitely enjoy the ride more...) Better yet, how about just a lap bar?

  • Coaster Nut

    First Drop Fun Fluidité

    The quick elevator lift in the dark is cool. (It actually creeped me out the first time!) The drop is great. My favorite rides were in the front for a better sensation of speed. I was surprised by some of the Gs that made me grey out a bit. The hangtimes on the barrel roll are pretty freaky because they are slow, and the only thing holding you in is the lap bar. A fun and unique coaster. Great ride ops, too!

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes First Drop Bonne suprise ! Vibrations

    Most B&M hypers leave me feeling underwhelmed, but Behemoth surprised me. It has great speed and pacing, especially in the front which provides a smooth ride with fun airtimes. Middle and back seats had just a slight rattle. I was pleasantly shocked by how much I liked this. My favorite part is the slowly accelerating helix at the end which leads into the final airtime hill.

  • Coaster Nut

    Launch Vitesse Vibrations Harnais

    Can't help but compare this to Top Thrill Dragster. I rode TTD dozens of times, and never felt the tiniest rattle. KK has a small rattle that becomes rather pronounced at 128 mph. Loved the speed and height, but the vibration gave me a mild headache and slight nausea. Also, the lap bars on TTD make for a much better ride experience than the OTSRs on KK.

  • Coaster Nut

    Vibrations Inconfort

    By the way, it's Wilde Beast, not Wild Beast. As for this ride itself, it is NOT enjoyable, not even a little. You know it's a rough coaster when all of the riders in front of you look like Bobbleheads.

  • Coaster Nut

    Bonne suprise ! Vibrations

    I usually regret riding old Arrow loopers, but this one's not too bad! I held on tightly to the harness, and that helped to reduce the usual discomfort on the loops and corkscrew.

  • Coaster Nut

    Fun Intensité Fluidité Inconfort

    You know what? This is a solid little coaster with good intensity and some fun elements. My only complaint is the hard plastic seatback, which is unkind to your lower back at certain points. Cushioned seatbacks would be nice! Otherwise, I enjoyed this, especially the segment in the dark.

  • Coaster Nut

    Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    Why did I ride this? I should have trusted the horrible reviews and low ranking and skipped this. Headache, backache, neckache, it does it all.

  • Coaster Nut

    Fun Layout Longueur Débit

    My favorite racer and favorite moderate-thrill coaster. (TC might be my favorite racer if it had actually dueled!) Anyway, the layout is great and allows for cool interactions between the trains. Four fun launches, creative inversions, nice airtimes. Highly re-rideable. Capacity is an issue, though. The park was empty on my two days there (triple-digit temps), so every ride was usually a walk-on -- except for WC Racers with an average 30-minute wait. SLOW loading times. Also, OTSRs are a bit cumbersome. Still, a fun, fun, fun ride!!

  • Coaster Nut

    Launch Fun Intensité

    A fun ride. It now has a forward launch, and I slightly prefer the reverse launch still in place at SFSL. Still, the forward launch in the tunnel has a lot of punch to it, and the inverted top hat coming out of the tunnel is really good. The backward return trip can be a little shaky, but nothing really bad.

  • Coaster Nut

    Launch Fun Layout

    I nominate Poltergeist as the most underrated ride on Captain Coaster. How is this only a measly #446? I was thinking "one and done" to get the credit, but I ended up riding it five times. This ride is so much fun with a cool launch, tight twists and turns, creative inversions and great pacing. The spaghetti bowl layout had me cheering and laughing throughout. Front and middle seats were smooth sailing while the back had a few minor vibrations. Deserves more looooove!

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes Ejectors Longueur Temps mort

    This is a good, solid RMC with really fun airtimes and ejectors. I went in with lowered expectations, considering it was RMC's first creation. Well, this exceeded my expectations. It's very smooth, and provides a nice long ride as well. The second half had a couple of little dead spots where the intensity lagged, but this is a really fun and intense ride overall.

  • Coaster Nut

    First Drop Intensité Layout Baffes

    THE best first drop of 350 coasters I've ridden. NO contest. My first ride in the morning was perfection -- smooth and intense and crazy. The layout is great with just the right amount of spinning in just the right places. I thought, "This is AWESOME! Is this my new #1?" But my next 3 rides were in the afternoon heat when the train ran faster, and each ride brought fairly painful headbangs and calf bangs. This may be the only coaster I prefer when it's running slower. It's still a top 25 coaster for me. It would be in my top 5 if it didn't smack my head and calves later in the day.

  • Coaster Nut

    First Drop Fluidité Ejectors Temps mort

    Rode this 12 times in one day. Loved it! The twisting first drop is great, and it leads into excellent ejectors, inversions and airtime. The barrel roll is perfection. As for the "quarry wall crawl," it's not horribly slow, but it's a noticeable change in pace and intensity as evidenced by a decrease in riders' yelling and cheering. However, it's followed by one of my favorite finales -- the ejector plunge down the quarry wall into the tunnel and then the awesome screech-to-a-halt ending. Would be in my top ten if that "crawl" were more of a sprint, though!