• Dom W.

    Bonne suprise ! Situation Fun

    Y’all bitch about this ride way too much it’s really fun, has great interactions with other rides and actually does something. Solid little ride

  • Dom W.

    Launch Fun Longueur

    If you think this is rough, you’re made of glass. Awesome intense ride. Awesome launch.

  • Dom W.

    Airtimes Ejectors Débit Harnais

    This ride is pure airtime and I love it, just please rmc just please make it sustained I love the 3 hills but the little pops are just too quick for me to truly take in the moment of airtime and appreciate it. I will say tho the outerbank under the lift is one of my favorite airtime moments of all time it’s outta nowhere and I love it. Rmc shin guards can die in hell tho <3

  • Dom W.

    Airtimes Confort Chef d'oeuvre

    How is this legal lol, this is unreal, I felt violated after riding lol. Masterpiece of a ride.

  • Dom W.

    Airtimes Inconfort Temps mort

    Just going to say this before we get to the actual main review, but I got 8 minimum verify rides during six flags thrillathon 23, in addition to 15 other rides that day, rounding off for 23 for the day and 24 overall (we had morning ert). I prefer el toro up front, not only because it’s smoother, but the airtime is stronger charging up the hills, absolutely unreal being ejected on the way up and being thrown out of your seat even farther at the apex of the hills. Yeah the drop is better in the back but everything that follows is much. MUCH better up front. Half a star off for the roughness that tries to put my spine in a soda can and also for the snooze fest that is the turnaround and speed hill, plus the switchbacks.

  • Dom W.

    Airtimes First Drop Vitesse Débit Harnais

    What a ride. A relentless experience from beginning to end, this ride is unreal. The airtime is violent, but I just wish it had more sustained ejector like come on rmc don’t tease me with it keep it going. The pacing is godlike and it doesn’t have a single dead spot. 2 cons are the ops, when I rode, they were averaging 115second dispatches which is not great, also the restraints suck. I despise. The rmc shin guards, they should be softer and better profiled to actual people’s shins. Also the phone pouches,,, ngl it’s kinda goated.

  • Dom W.

    Fun Harnais Fluidité Sans intérêt Airtimes Temps mort

    You know, on paper, this ride LOOKS good. Trimless this ride looks really good. HOWEVER, that was not my experience when i rode, as every single trim brake was slowing the train without fail, and even in the very back row there was zero airtime whatsoever. Maybe a reride will do it some favors but for now, it’s just a boring smooth ride that’s a 4/10 personally. One of the most overrated coasters ever. :(

  • Dom W.

    Vibrations Inconfort A raser !

    This ride is fucking horrendous. I have to put a half of a star to submit this but this ride gets a score of 0/5 and a 0/10. It’s fucking horrific. It looks good but then you actually ride it. There is nothing redeeming about this ride. The rattle is unbearable. It rides like a fucking shopping cart going down a cobblestone road. I’m happy zamperla is improving but this is the Worst coaster ever for me personally. I’ve given it 4 chances and it just keeps getting worse. There is no fixing this ride. Piece of shit. Also this is coming from someone who likes skyrush restraints but these are the worst restraints I’ve ever experienced by far. The operators make you sit completely back, and then they slam the plastic panini press of a restraint down so hard that it feels like you’ll lose circulation in your legs. They keep tightening the entire ride. Horrific ride. Burn it down or unleash steel eating termites on it, just get rid of it and I can die happy.

  • Dom W.

    Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Ejectors

    Skyrush. What a ride. The best airtime focused ride I’ve ever ridden, insane sustained ejector, lateral ejector, positive g’s, a first drop that launches you into orbit in the back left seat. I honestly do like the restraints? I didn’t get any pain with them. Do they tighten? Yes 100%, but it’s not unbearable. I can put up with it for the greatest airtime focused coaster ive ridden. Pure masterpiece of a coaster. Nothing can beat this and my no1, I-305. I give that ride the edge for focusing on positive G’s more, as that’s my favorite force on a coaster. I think airtime should be done this way, I’m not a huge fan of the rmc quick pop of ejector, I want sustained airtime. Floater or ejector. This coaster perfectly demonstrates sustained ejector airtime perfectly and I’m here for all of it. I love this ride. One of the 2 coasters I consider to truly be a perfect coaster.