• Ben Dixon Music

    First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Hangtime

    Incredible layout, was worried it would seem too short but each element absolutely hits, especially the first drop, outerbank roll and the stall

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Airtimes Vitesse Intensité

    Fantastic wooden coaster, relentlessly paced through and with some great airtime

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Launch Vibrations Inconfort

    The launch on this coaster is incredible and right up there with other great launches such as stealth and Red force, the issue is that after the launch as soon as it goes into the main part of the layout it becomes very rough to the point that after the first couple of S bends I was just hoping the ride would stop soon. I don’t know if it was just the seat I happened to be sat in etc but I wouldn’t be too keen on re riding to find out any time soon

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Airtimes Launch Intensité Vibrations

    Loved this ride, the launch and the pull up into the top hat might be one of the most intense 5s I’ve ever experienced on a coaster followed by some great airtime and incredible views over the top hat. It’s a bit short and there’s a slight rattle but besides that a phenomenal ride

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité

    Absolutely outstanding coaster, only managed to get 2 rides in as queues were quite long but this thing really blew me away. It was my first ever B&M Hyper so I hadn’t experienced that long floaty airtime that they’re known for before and I loved every second of it (some of it seemed to border on ejector) it’s perfectly smooth and the lap bars give plenty of room to experience all of that airtime to the max

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Situation Fun Intensité

    Great B&M Invert, relentless positive G’s from start to finish that left me a little light headed after each ride along with plenty of great near miss moments. Doesn’t quite surpass Nemesis as my favourite invert but it’s close

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Théma Launch Vitesse

    Two incredible launches that are sure to put your hair up on end, the first one was fantastic but the second just takes it to another level. On top of that you’ve got an incredible twister layout that interacts beautifully with the scenery constantly crossing over itself

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Théma Fun

    An incredibly fun and well themed flying coaster. The entire park at Phantasialand maintains a ridiculous high level of theming and the rookburgh area that houses this ride might be the best in the park with the steam punk theme that suits this coaster perfectly. Along with the theming this ride gives you a wonderfully graceful and smooth flying sensation full of near misses with the scenery, it’s not as intense as other flying coasters but easily makes up for it with the two launches and the scenery.

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Airtimes Fun Intensité

    Great little wooden coaster, some nice airtime pops at the start followed by a lot of out of control feeling transitions

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité Ejectors

    This might be my number 1 or 2 overall pretty much equal with Zadra at Energylandia. Just an absolutely wild layout that makes you feel like you’re being flung from your seat every other second whilst some how managing to remain perfectly smooth throughout. The ejector pops over the last few bunny hills before the break run were a real standout

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Airtimes First Drop Fluidité

    Fantastic ride in the back few rows, the first drop and the camelback after both have you flying out of your seat, some pretty cool laterals on the Stengel dive and then some great ejector pops over those last few hills before the break run

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Baffes Inconfort A raser !

    Comfortably the worst roller coaster I’ve ever been on which seems ironic given that energylandia is home to what are likely now my two favourites in Zadra and Hyperion. It’s kind of gratifying to know that according to this site it actually is the worst rollercoaster on the planet

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Airtimes First Drop Intensité Vibrations

    Incredible roller coaster, comfortably the fastest I’ve been on and you feel every bit of that nearly 90mph as you barrel down that first drop. Some absolutely insane airtime moments including some crazy off axis hills, a bit of a rattle depending on where you sit (near the front and in the middle seams to be the best for avoiding it) but overall a magnificent ride

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Ejectors Trop court

    What a phenomenal ride, comfortably the best I’ve been on so far. Insane balls to wall intensity from start to finish with a handful of ridiculous out of your seat ejector airtime my moments along with that incredible zero g stall, would love for it to have an extra 1000ft+ of track as it hits the final brakes at a colossal pace but I can’t complain. My first ever RMC but certainly not my last

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Airtimes Inversions Harnais

    I ride this about 6 times over a couple of days and really enjoyed it. Has two really good launches along with some great airtime moments and forceful inversions, I feel as though it would be a little better without the noticeable trim over the top hat and the vest restraints but still overall a very good ride

  • Ben Dixon Music

    Fun Trop court

    Really solid ride, nice launch followed by a few decent inversions and airtime moments and only hampered by being a little on the short side