Airtimes Launch Fun Vibrations Temps mort Lap Bar
Wicked is pretty fun. Could’ve been more fun tho, not perfect by any means. But I will say it delivers the best airtime in the park! It’s got a bad rattle though, especially in the back wing seat. The second half is completely pointless and trimmed badly. But all in all, it’s a solid ride.
Théma Bonne suprise ! Longueur Vibrations Débit
Primordial is fantastic!! It’s quite good. Lagoon did a great job with the theming, queue, this doesn’t feel like a ride at Lagoon at all!! Very mild thrills, but theming and story is what makes this ride. You will need to ride this more than once to get a good feel and the alternate endings! Though I will say this ride does not have good capacity. The line can move very slow at times. A slight rattle as well but it’s no biggie. Yes, this is a shooting interactive ride and it makes Primordial more fun. This ride is a great time and you should not miss out while you’re at Lagoon! I would rate this ride 80%.
Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun Harnais Inconfort
Pipeline turned out great. A couple of complaints though, it ain’t perfect by any means. But what it manages to pull off is fantastic! Such a weird but an awesome experience! I can’t wait to see more of these built, but I hope they fix some of their problems. The seats could absolutely go for more comfort and patting. It can really hurt your tailbone and the neathers at times. But it’s a great time, go check it out!
Airtimes Confort Fluidité
Not sure if I have a major downside with Mako, it’s pretty dang flawless. The only B&M Hyper I’ve ridden to this date but it’s gotta be the best in America, right? This thing is awesome with every airtime hill sending you out of your seat. Amazing floater airtime, personally I prefer the front row coming up those airtime hills. Can’t wait to ride it next week for the first time since early 2019. Fantastic coaster!!! 91/100
Vitesse Intensité Layout Vibrations
Canyon Blaster is my favorite coaster in Nevada. That’s not saying much but this thing is quite wild! It’s super intense and very well paced and often goes unnoticed. My head clears the shoulder restraints so I only get slight neck banging. Kinda hard to ride again and again, but it’s super fun. A great ride! 82/100
Launch Vitesse Intensité Vibrations Trop court Débit
Big Dipper is one of the smaller puncher packs in the game. It’s pretty fun! Don’t expect a perfect ride though. I hope in the meantime Intamin can do something about the smoothness on their later Hot Racers. But it’s fun regardless. A lot more intense that I expected, the second half just whips you through the layout. Second launch is great too. Best element for me would probably be the corkscrew, didn’t expect much from that element but it slaps. I’d give this ride 74%.
Airtimes Fun Ejectors Vibrations Débit Inconfort
Prairie Screamer sure is something. Such an aggressive ride, its ejectors don’t hold back! They aren’t comfortable air tho, most of those hills in the back seat send you up and SLAM you into your seat. It hurts, so brace yourself for that! The front is where I’d say it’s the smoothest row with some nice pops of ejector. Is it worth the trouble if you ever come to Dallas? I’d say so. 64/100
Confort Fun Intensité
A very enjoyable ride, running at its smoothest it’s ever been this year. Transitions are only slightly janky, (which is not a problem at all) but the way it hugs the track is glass. Pretty forceful loops and helices. Nice lap bars, fun layout and CRAZY fast dispatching as well. One of the better attractions at Lagoon. 77/100
Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Fun Harnais
Aquaman Power Wave is a great time! It was over 100 degrees out so it felt amazing. I would absolutely love to see more of these come to the USA, it’s a fantastic fit to the park, and for any park lacking water attractions. Only downside is the restraints are easy to get stapled during the ride, but that’s fine. The backwards ejector hill is great! The spikes are fun too, and the splash is always mesmerizing. Great attraction! 78/100
Vitesse Intensité Layout Trop court
Mr. Freeze is pretty wild, with some crazy intense forces! Not like gray out but you feel the forces pulling you down. Great spike as well, and a great backward section. Though I do imagine it is crazier when it was Reverse Blast, but it’s great regardless. 86/100
Bonne suprise ! Fun Intensité Airtimes Temps mort
Why so hated?? Titan might just be the biggest surprise I’ve had at a theme park in a while! Those helixes are ridiculous, I promise you will absolutely gray out. It could go for more airtime, sure, and yeah the mid-course sucks, but I’ve had too much fun regardless. That first drop, no joke, gave some air in the back. Fantastic sense of speed as well. A very impressive looking ride as well. As of now, this is genuinely the most underrated roller coaster I’ve ridden! 83%
Vitesse Intensité Ejectors Trop court Débit Harnais
After four rides on Wonder Woman Golden Lasso, I can say this ride is a masterpiece. Is it perfect? No, but it was the first of its kind so it’s not a dealbreaker. The pacing is absolutely unreal. This ride may not be for everyone, it is so freaking intense! It might as well be the most intense I’ve ever ridden. It whips through that layout, just go watch some videos. Or just go ride it and see for yourself. It is out of control from start to finish. It doesn’t want to play any games, it wants to throw you out of your seat. This ride gets a 95%. Phenomenal ride!
Situation Fun Vibrations Baffes Layout
The Big Apple Coaster Not necessarily bad, but it isn’t great either. The layout is super weird but some bits are kinda fun. Of course I haven’t ridden it before the new comfy premier rides restraints, but I can only imagine how awful it used to be with the shoulder restraints. But I am assuming that the track profiling has not been fixed at all because "wow” it is JERKY! Also I would be aware that the layout is very mediocre, the first half from the drop to the mid course is very fun! But the rest is just meandering around and kinda boring, except for one nice pop of airtime. But like I said, not too bad but it ain’t great. So, is it worth the $20 to get to ride the Big Apple Coaster? I mean, if you are really wanting that credit then yes I would say it is worth the checkout, even if you aren’t a credit counter. I say yes to see how bad it really is, all in all, not a terrible ride. Final Score: 58%
Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Layout
Ghostrider is currently my #1 wooden coaster and my #3 overall. First visited the park in 2019 when I was 12, and not too long ago I went in August 2022 and left the park with 13 rides on Ghostrider. This ride is an incredible work of art. It’s got wild forces every direction whipping through a top tier layout. I don’t think I have any complaints with it other than its operations/dispatches. But other than that, nothing wrong with it. I do hear this ride does have a rattle. Is this ride rough? Absolutely not, this ride is pure smooth. I found it not even slightly rough. You can marathon this ride without any nausea. Every row on this ride is spectacular, even the middle row. The back is easily the best though. The drop off the mid course is my favorite moment on the ride as you get WHIPPED down that drop. And the night rides? Oh boy. If you aren’t familiar with the rides layout, night rides will get you good. Ghostrider is AMAZING. Go ride it. Final score: 95% Airtime ✅ Good layout ✅ Intensity ✅ Laterals ✅ Re-rideable ✅ Best ride at the park ✅ Worth it? ✅
Airtimes Confort Fluidité Temps mort Layout
For this coasters age, (100+ years) it runs super well. The park does a fantastic job maintaining this ride to be a smooth and enjoyable ride. It is far smoother than you would expect. Even though it’s kinda rough, it’s still smoother than how rough it is. Front and Back are by far the smoothest rows. In 2018, they gave Roller Coaster a new retract and Millennium Flyer trains by GCI. It runs better than it used to. The front row gives some nice pops of air on those hills, while not sustained. The back row gives some nice pops of ejector on those first few drops. The layout is repetitive, but not bad thanks to my taste of always enjoying an airtime filled layout. What can I rate it? I’ll give it a solid 67%. Worth the checkout while visiting Lagoon.
Situation Vitesse Longueur Temps mort
Millennium Force is a really, REALLY good coaster. Honestly, kinda underrated to me. It’s got its great speed, nice pops of floater, and a stunning view of Lake Erie. All I ask is for you to just prepare yourself for the bugs in your face.
Inconfort A raser ! Lap Bar
Coast Rider is brutal. It sucks. If it weren’t for the dreadful shin guards it would be kinda fun I guess. Not too rough, kinda smooth. But it’s just the restraints man, they’re horrible! A new coaster would be a great fit for a replacement of this piece of garbage.
First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors
Absolutely incredible coaster!! 10/10 any day