as you wind through the janky turns in an un-themed metal box all you can help but wonder is.... what did I do in my life that led me here?
Théma Launch Vitesse Temps mort
An overall amazing ride. The 2nd half in particular is where this ride really excels, starting with the 2nd launch that has great kick to it, then the top hat, then a great mix of airtime and memorable inversions. However, the first half to me is a little bit dull. After the first 2 inversions you go through an overbank turn followed by a great pop of ejector. However after that, the rest of the raptor cage section just feels like filler, with nothing but turns and unforceful maneuvers. While still an incredible ride, that dead zone prevents it from being a potential number 1 candidate for me
Airtimes First Drop Fluidité
Just a masterpiece from start to finish. This and Steel Vengeance have a huge gap between them and my number 3 coaster. It's hard for me to pick out any flaws with either of them. Gwazi kicks off with an insane first drop that I believe is helped by the lift slowing down at the top. From there the ride does not let up. Before I rode I was worried about the lack of sustained ejector moments, but the drop, outerbank, twist n shout, the 2nd part of the double hill, and the final bunny hill all deliver insane sustained ejector. The track is butter smooth, the pacing is amazing, and you hit the breaks at full throttle. Their could have been 1 more sequence of elements to increase duration but that's a minor nitpick. Stop what you're doing and go ride this
Fun Fluidité Hangtime
I'm not quite sure why but this was so much better than Tempesto for me. I was expecting Tempesto going in and was very pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Smooth, good launches, and comfort collars didn't really bother me. It's just a nice, fun coaster that I would definitely do everytime I go back to BGT
Baffes Harnais Inconfort
To this day still the worst coaster I have ever been on. I think to this day it has done irreversible damage to my head
Vibrations Inconfort A raser !
One of the worst I've ever been on
Airtimes Situation Déception ! Inconfort Lap Bar
I want to love this ride so bad but I just can't. Every time I go to CP I give this thing a shot in a different seat and every time I dislike it. The negative G's are there, but the forces don't flow well and it leads to extreme discomfort. There's no transition between valleys and crests so you end up being uncomfortably thrown into the pad-less lap bar on every strong airtime moment. I will continue to ride this thing every time I go to CP in hopes that I change my mind.
First Drop Fun Layout Harnais
At first very disappointing, but has run noticeably faster every time I've gone back to SFGAdv. The difference in speed the train takes the turn around between opening and now is night and day. The drop alone makes asking for back row worth it. Great mix of airtime, inversions, and "fun" elements. Operations are also incredible. Only knock is that the trains are a little bit awkward to sit in.