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Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors Harnais
Zadra is truly an incredible ride. There are eight moments of nice ejector airtime, including an insane 90° first drop and a crazy turnaround (this is definitely the highlight of the ride), that gets stronger towards the end of the day but wild airtime is not what Zadra is about. The ride is about speed, incredible pacing, twisty transitions, perfect zero-g inversions and some quite scary headchoppers. Personally I don't mind having fewer but more sustained moments of airtime instead of those quick bursts of ejector, one after another, that RMCs are best known for. The ride is glass smooth and I absolutely loved how the inversions are shaped. The only thing I didn't quite like about Zadra are the restraints. Lap bars and seat belts were fine but I don't really see the point of using shin guards on this ride. Prepare to have your thighs and shins bruised after a few re-rides!
Airtimes First Drop Fun Vibrations
Hyperion provides an excellent mixture of diverse elements: an incredible first drop, both floater and sustained ejector airtime hills, fast transitions, two aggressive Stengel dives and a Twist and Dive element, which is definitely the highlight of the ride, as it combines excellent airtime with a quick inversion and it is taken at an incredible speed. Even though Hyperion uses a traditional chain lift, trains quickly reach the top of the first hill and keep the furious pace right until final brakes. Trains are very spacious and open, giving you an awesome sense of freedom. Taron-style restraints are very comfortable and nice theming definitely adds to the experience. The ride is smooth, although I could feel a minor rattle on the second airtime hill from time to time. While Hyperion is an intense ride, it definitely is not too intense, which is great because it makes you want to ride it over and over again. EDIT - after riding Hyperion more than 20 times I correct my rating and give it full 5 stars instead of 4.5. The ride is just pure fun and slight rattle in the back of the train is not enough to spoil it in my opinion.
Airtimes First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Intensité
An absolutely wonderful coaster. The first drop is insane in the back left seat and the rest of the layout is a fast paced series of high positive Gs, ejector airtime and cool inversions. The track is glass smooth and restraints are very comfortable. The only problem with Lech is that an average person might find it a bit too intense (many people report graying out right after the first drop or the dive loop).
Inversions Layout
Loops are nice but the rest of the layout is just pointless.