Coaster Note
DC Rivals HyperCoaster
Warner Bros. Movie World
Gravity Max
Lihpao Land
Superman Escape
Warner Bros. Movie World
Steel Taipan
Sea World
Battlestar Galactica - CYLON
Universal Studios Singapore
Revenge of the Mummy
Universal Studios Singapore
Adventure World
Diving Machine G5
Janfusun Fancyworld
Insane Speed
Janfusun Fancyworld
Gold Coaster
Jet Rescue
Sea World
Gumbuya World
Space Mountain
Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village
Green Lantern Coaster
Warner Bros. Movie World
Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster
Warner Bros. Movie World
Big Dipper
Luna Park Sydney
Wild Mouse
Luna Park Sydney
Storm Coaster
Sea World
Battlestar Galactica - HUMAN
Universal Studios Singapore
Big Air
E-DA Theme Park
Roller Coaster
Taipei Children's Amusement Park
Armada Invencible
Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village
Road Runner Rollercoaster
Warner Bros. Movie World
Screaming Condor
Leofoo Village Theme Park
Luna Park Sydney
Laser Blaster
Window on China Theme Park
Dingo Racer
Aussie World
Canopy Flyer
Universal Studios Singapore
Enchanted Airways
Universal Studios Singapore