• Brendan L.

    Lap Bar Intensité Hangtime Vibrations Fiabilité

    I generally really enjoyed this ride. The launch is fun and even better backward and it includes some very solid positives and hangtime. However, the ride had some very noticeable bumps and it was only open about an hour before breaking down for the rest of the day, only allowing one ride for me. Still, definitely a great number 2 even with Shellraiser closed.

  • Brendan L.

    Vibrations A raser ! Sans intérêt

    Hilariously terrible. Maybe I sat on a bad wheel seat or something, but this ride was rougher than any other coaster I've ever been on. The layout is stupid and the only airtime I got was being flung up by the ride's jackhammering. Still though, I had a smile when getting off simply because of how flabbergasted I was of how rough it was. Worse than time warp

  • Brendan L.

    Théma Bonne suprise ! Launch Débit

    This is nowhere near as bad as people have been saying. The story is weak, but there's solid theming. The launches were shockingly intense and the ride was just plain fun. 90 minutes was a bit excessive of a wait and it's nowhere near as good as Verbolten, but if you go in with reasonable expectations, it's fun.