• Fusion Clan

    Fun Harnais

    i went here with my sisters dance school for a parade they do each year it was my first time meeting and interacting with the dance school and it was a fun experience. we enjoyed going around the 2 parks for a couple days and would definitely be joining them next year but will not be going on this ride. It was our last ride before we left and were in a queue for about 30 minuets witch wasn't to bad with a group of 8. after getting on the ride we where sitting on the back 2 carriages and had a 5 minuet wait after the harnesses were double checked and mw and the girl In front of me were saying something was wrong (the day before we where about to get onto hyperspace mountain and the ride stopped in the middle of the track just before we got on) but then we started moving and we thought it might be ok but as we went past the first loop i seen something fly up in front of me and after a second i had realised it was my friends harness luckily they grabbed it and pulled it back down before anything could happed but if this was a younger child who knows what would of happened. Disney please fix this.