• Scott L.

    Théma Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    Taron is definitely one of Intamin's finest creations. The launches pack quite the punch (especially the 2nd one), the theming is world-class, the trains are super comfy and the layout itself is packed with airtime, laterals and super intense moments. Taron is the perfect length for a coaster and has been built in with its surrounding areas, flawlessly. It's easy to see why many prefer this coaster over many of Intamin's other creations, such as Velocicoaster. Top 5 coaster easily and doubt it'll move anywhere soon.

  • Scott L.

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Théma

    This is pretty much the perfect 'Roller Coaster'. It may not have much or any theming at all, but that's not the point with this coaster. Iron Gwazi's first drop throws you out of the seat and has sustained airtime for at least a few seconds. The outer-banked airtime hill is lethal. The 'Death Roll' is bonkers. The wave-turn is insane. And the rest of the layout is relentless with harsh ejector airtime. This coaster is not ideal for those who only like gentle and graceful coasters (such as Icon or Mako) but it is a dream come true for those who wish to be thrown out of their seats and have their legs bruised....which I do! Super intense coaster with great views, great airtime and pretty comfortable trains. Perfect!