Airtimes Launch Fun Théma Inconfort Lap Bar
Now don't get me wrong, this ride definitely isn't for people who don't enjoy the sensation of having a lap bar pushed against your stomach from the forces of the ride....BUT...even with that unsettling feeling, I LOVED this ride. I just wish more rollercoaster used the new modified shoulder/soft-vest restraints so that you can get the best experience without feeling like you're being gut-punched from the intense ride you're getting. This was an amazing coaster, and if it weren't for the fact I can only ride it twice before puking, I'd say it's among the best I've ever enjoyed! The speed, the insane top hat with near 90-degree drop, the smooth transitions...etc, etc, etc This is a must for any coaster enthusiast and I'm surprised it's not higher on the list... it certainly cracks my top 10 from the coasters I've ridden across the USA & Canada!
Théma Bonne suprise ! Fluidité Trop court Layout
I recently took my first rides on Cobra's Curse after having watched several videos of it online and building up my anticipation... The ride is ''ok'' and best described as a family coaster in my opinion. Those with motion sickness may not enjoy this ride, but otherwise it's a nice ride with plenty of cool immersive visuals in the lead-up to the ride.
Théma Fun Layout Débit Intensité
This is where some extremists of opinion won't be able to understand or relate because they honestly feel that there's some 'objective truth' in VelociCoaster being the best there is to offer.... But for those of us who look for rides that pack thrills into an experience without violent and rapid shifting, this ride isn't all that it's cracked up to be (especially after travelling across the continent and then waiting an additional 2.5hrs to get on this thing). That's not to say it isn't fun and has a cool design (because BOTH of those were true for us), but I'll still take Hagrid's over this ride. I thought I'd be alone in this perspective, but it turns out all the other adults in my group felt the same (the kids preferred VelociCoaster)...