• Arcadios V

    Longueur Vibrations Baffes Inconfort

    The roughest coaster I have ever been on. Had a headache for about 30 minutes after it. Won't ride it again.

  • Arcadios V

    Fluidité Déception ! Layout

    It's very smooth, but that's about it for the pros for me. I was in it once, and will not go in there again. I was terrified out of my mind at the dive and the extremely short duration did not help me recover from that fear. Usually wiht roller coasters i am scared of the first drop and the rest of the ride makes it fun and enjoyable. Sadly, Krake is so short that i do not get that feeling.

  • Arcadios V

    Airtimes Vibrations Débit Inconfort

    All in all it's a nice ride, but for someone like me who gets anxious after not riding roller coasters for a while, the wait times are horrendous, even with two train operation you have to wait in the station for ages. It's loud and it rattles, the ride feels smoother than big loop at least. The lifthill is extremely slow, which usually scares me even more. Some of the inversions are quite painful. My head usually hurts for a few mintues after. The new theming is nice, but it looks quite cheap in daylight. Haven't seen it in the dark, maybe that'll look better. It got stuck on the lifthill when i was there the other day, though a few hours after i had been on it.

  • Arcadios V

    First Drop Confort Trop court Inconfort

    My favorite coaster, however only on the left side. It's amazing and smooth on the left side, however rough and straining on the right side.

  • Arcadios V

    Launch Trop court

    A ride i usually start with when i visit the park as it kills the anxiety i feel whenever i ride roller coasters again after a while. Lovely launch, nice thrill. A little short.