Fluidité Sans intérêt Layout
This is a normal mad mouse.
Vibrations Sans intérêt Layout
Kiddie coaster .
Débit Launch Fun Inconfort
Ok so this ride was actually really really fun and I’m glad I did this!
First Drop Fun Trop court
This one is super super fun! Love the first drop and flips!
Airtimes Débit Fun
This one was really scary but very fun! Perfect design!
Bonne suprise ! Fun Temps mort
I love the spinning on this!!
Théma Longueur Temps mort
This one has a great theme but I wish it had a little of a bigger drop.
Airtimes First Drop Fun Inconfort
This one is one of my favorites. I love the drop!
Airtimes Longueur Vibrations Déception !
This was a very uncomfortable and LOUD ride. Another ride that gave me a headache. The chain lift is SO LOUD.
Airtimes Inconfort A raser !
This one was extremely bumpy and uncomfortable.
Airtimes First Drop Débit Temps mort
This one is so much fun! I love the first drop!
First Drop Baffes Inconfort Temps mort
This is a really fun ride, the only thing that makes me SO MAD is the fact that you bang your head SO HARD. I got a huge headache after this.