• David Lubell

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Layout

    This ride man... The best RMC I've been on to date and it isn't particularly close. Now I will say I haven't been on Steel Vengeance, Iron Gwazi, or any of the European RMCs, but I can't imagine them getting much better than this. Start to finish, this ride is a literal masterpiece. The underflip is so underrated, the stalls are great, and the laterals never fail to hit. It's also glass smooth and the crew is working like mad men. The line shockingly fast and the capacity is great. Nothing bad to say about this one, its my current #1. barely over Skyrush from the same park.

  • David Lubell

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Vibrations Inconfort

    This is a ride I was so excited to ride based on everyones reviews, but I left quite dissapointed. First let me give my pros though: The drop is unreal. Just as good as everyone says, if not better. One of the best first drops on earth. The following camelback hills also give some of the best ejector airtime in the world. The noise the upstop wheels make is simply insane. The rolling thunder hill is incredible and the twister section is a lot of fun. Lots of pros. HOWEVER... I found this ride to be incredibly rough. Pretty much every section following the turnaround gave me quite a bit of discomfort, and I got onto this ride with a lingering back injury that got very aggravated. For a layout like the second half of this ride to work on a wooden coaster, it has to run like its brand new in my opinion. Unfortunately, this is six flags, and they will never take that good of care of their rides. I only wish I rode this earlier, as I've heard it got exponentially rougher in recent years. As it stands now though, so so overrated.