Airtimes Vitesse Fun
Wow. Just wow. Better than Fury 325! The airtime is borderline ejector on the first drop, big camelback hill, speed hill, and drop off the midcourse in the back. The twists at the end are so well paced, especially in the front. Incredible ride, and the ride-ops only pull to check the restraints instead of stapling you. Number 3 overall.
Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Inconfort Temps mort
Really solid ride (my number 5 overall)! The leg position is awkward, but the ride made up for it. They were running 4 trains, and it had fast dispatches, despite the single-file trains. The drop, camelback hill, zero-g stall, and turnaround were the best parts of the ride. The midcourse and back half of the ride were slightly disappointing, and the ride was not as smooth as the i-box RMCs I've been on, but it was still an excellent coaster.
Launch Intensité Inconfort
Steeplechase is a surprisingly intense accelerator coaster. The launch is quite forceful despite being fairly short and slow, and the following turn is intense as well. The turns are a bit jerky, but it is a great ride considering its small footprint and height.
Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Vitesse Trop court
Blue streak was surprisingly fun for a classic wooden coaster. My friend had told me it was painful and rough, but I found it fairly smooth. The pops of airtime were unexpectedly good, considering its age and how short the height is.
Airtimes First Drop Débit
Nitro is arguably the best B&M hyper coaster. The floater airtime is great, the first drop is awesome, and the helix is intense. My only issue is that the train rumbles slightly in some parts. The layout is also perfect.
Airtimes First Drop Chef d'oeuvre
Candymonium is excellent! The colorful indoor station is phenomenal, especially since it is air conditioned, the restraints are super comfy, and it looks outstanding in the park's skyline. The ride begins with a surprisingly quick and quiet lift hill, and then heads into an outstanding first drop. The first camelback hill is phenomenal and lasts FOREVER. The trims were quite noticeable, but the outward banking airtime hill made up for it. This was my favorite part of the ride! The best seat is back left for sure, but every row is good. I love soaring around the kisses fountain in any left side seat. In my opinion, it's better than Skyrush, since it is glossy smooth and super comfortable. Best b&m hyper I've been on! Why are you still reading this lmao go ride it!!!
Inversions Situation Baffes Inconfort
Corkscrew is, in my opinion, the second roughest ride in the park behind Rougarou in terms of head banging. The restraints are okay, and the vertical loop has some nice force, but it gets a little too bumpy and jerky approaching the corkscrews. It’s bearable, but I wouldn’t go on again.
Harnais Inversions Airtimes
OOF. I really wanted to like it, but it just wasn't as good as Hydrus, a similar ride located at Casino Pier. The restraints are atrocious, as the ride operators literally stand on the gates and jump on them. They fall on your thighs, instead of your waist, so any sort of airtime or hang time is painful. Additionally, there is a pointless over the shoulder seat belt, which does absolutely nothing. The drop is painful, the track is rough, and the inversions provide unpleasant hang time. To end the ride with a bang, there are two aggressive ejector hills, followed by a corkscrew, followed by another ejector hill. Thunderbolt is the second worst ride in the park after Soarin' Eagle, though not by much.
Airtimes Bonne suprise ! Confort
The Coney Island Cyclone is surprisingly one of my favorite wood coasters! To start, the seats are extremely comfortable, feeling like a couch, and the lap bars leave a lot of room for some quality airtime. The first drop is the best element in the ride, especially near the back of the train. Despite being 92 years old, it is amazingly smooth, and I only started to get a bit of a headache after 9 rides. Marathoning is not and issue here. There are extreme lateral g's on the shallowly banked turns, and there is some great floater/ejector airtime on some of the hills. While not as intense as other woodies like El Toro, it provides an excellent ride, especially for its age. DO NOT sit on a wheel seat, as it will be a rougher experience, excluding the front row. The best rides can be found near the back.
Harnais Inconfort A raser !
Soarin' Eagle cracks my top 10 worst coasters with ease. To start, the restraints are absolutely bizarre, because you have walk up a sort of ladder to get in while the car is moving. You then lean against the seat while standing up, and the ride operators slam a cage door behind you. The real fun begins as the train jolts to a start on the spiral lift and goes off the first drop. Everything is a blur from my experience on Soarin' Eagle, even though I just rode it today, but I remember each and every turn feeling like a plane crash. To survive, try to get a center seat, and push yourself in using the handlebars, as the restraints do not feel very safe. Good luck!
First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité
Fury 325 is the second best roller coaster I have ever been on! It combines floater airtime, intensity, wonderful banked turns, and a long-lasting first drop. My favorite element is the treble clef. The pacing is perfect, and the layout is fun and original. Think of it as a superior, upgraded B&M hyper coaster.
Inversions Hangtime Longueur
Gatekeeper is an awesome wing coaster. It’s fairly tame, but still exciting for coaster lovers, and the inversions have amazing hangtime. It’s smooth and fast, and has good pacing. The drop gives a nice floating sensation. The best part is the zero-g roll through the keyhole, which has a convincing headchopper and great hangtime as well. This is one of my favorites at Cedar Point!
Déception ! Inconfort A raser !
I can't even believe they let small children on this ride! It was jerky, painful, and boring.
Intensité Harnais Inconfort A raser !
Mind Eraser, now called Riddler’s Revenge, is a super rough ride. It starts out okay, but once it hits that first inversion, you are getting thrown around like a rag-doll. You can visibly see the riders being jerked to the side on the sidewinder (3rd inversion), and the in-line twists are downright awful. At the end, the train waits a long time in the brakes while the harness digs into your legs, making them cold and slightly numb. That being said, it was intense, and it was so rough, it was actually exciting. Despite the harness digging into my legs, it did have a vest, so there was no headbanging.
Inversions Launch Fun Trop court
Storm Runner is a fantastic, smooth accelerator coaster with a very intense launch. The top hat provides a great view, but not that much airtime. The snake loop is cool, but my favorite part is the is the flying snake dive. You are just spinning so fast, then get whipped down the drop. This is overall an intense ride with an excellent launch and fun inversions, but is too short.
Confort Fun Ejectors
I have literally nothing bad to say about Wicked Cyclone, my first RMC. Every hill really tries to throw you around and out of your seat. The best parts are the zero-g-stall, which gives great hang time, the outward banking turns, and the strong ejector hills. It is one of the smoothest coasters out there, and although very thrilling, it was great for people less into roller coasters. I love that there is no mid course.
First Drop Fluidité Ejectors
El Toro is the second best coaster behind Fury 325. This ride is pure awesomeness, especially in car 4, row 2. The cable lift is so fast, and that first drop sends you flying out of your seat. Every hill provides strong ejector airtime, the best I have ever experienced. The twister section is very intense and fun, and because it has steel topper track, it is very smooth for a wooden roller coaster.