• William S.

    Situation Baffes Inconfort Sans intérêt

    Awful and I'll leave it at that.

  • William S.

    Théma Lap Bar Launch

    Oh my god. What a ride. The complete package. I wish I rode this more times at IOA as Intamin have created a masterpiece. The perfect amount of inversions and the 2 main ones the magnificent zero G stall and that majestic Mosasaurus roll., Twists and turns into every direction imaginable especially into that second launch. The ride time is a very nice length and you will never get bored in the queue as there is always something to look at, especially the pre show scene with Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt. Not forgetting the magnificent 2 moving animatronic Velociraptors. The ride cams do not do this ride justice and this has to be one of favourite (if not my favourite) ride I have ever rode. Hats off to Universal creative and Intamin for this masterpiece.

  • William S.

    Inversions Bonne suprise ! Launch

    I LOVED this ride an exhilarating launch followed by a zero g roll. It is in the name. Incredible. Following this there are 6 more inversions if I am right and each one is as brilliant as the last. This ride Is Absolutely Incredible and the retrack really made this ride exhilarating. I would have loved to have seen a bit more from the ride but with a short queue time I cannot complain. A short snappy experience full of inversions and thrill!!!

  • William S.

    First Drop Intensité Baffes Sans intérêt

    I think it’s an alright ride but does not suit its location at all! The colouration spoils the beauty of the trees surrounding it and really makes the area look ugly and not to mention how rough that ride is. Smooth track but ride carts don’t give you a chance to think and it’s a bit too intense for me. Don’t think I will ride again!

  • William S.

    Launch Vitesse Déception ! Temps mort Fiabilité

    The Queen of speed. An exhilarating launch followed by some slow airtime hills and a surprisingly nice break run in my opinion not up there but a decent ride. I also always wonder what towers could have done without the tree line limit.

  • William S.

    Théma Situation Intensité

    Brilliant Ride One Of My first I ever rode The first corkscrew is just absolutely incredible and the zero g roll over the station + the vertical loop really make this coaster Magical. Well Done B&M and John Wardley

  • William S.

    First Drop Débit Trop court Déception ! Temps mort

    First Drop INCREDIBLE! After That ~ not very good. Break run is also very painful.

  • William S.

    Airtimes Théma Intensité

    ABSOLUTLY AMAZING!!! What a coaster! Lots of very fun Airtime And very very very well themed. Preshow really makes the ride beautiful and The fire and wood element really gives this coaster its character.

  • William S.

    Airtimes Théma Bonne suprise ! Trop court

    Underrated AF! I honestly think behind Wicker Man This is one of the best themed coaster at the park. Drop Track Element Is Incredible. If You Go Down To The Woods Today You Better Not Go Alone Btw ;)

  • William S.

    Bonne suprise ! Vitesse Fun Théma Fiabilité

    Once A good ride still a smooth ride with some good elements. shame the theming isn't very good and a very unique ride layout. A lot Of Downtime recently though

  • William S.

    Inversions Vitesse Baffes Théma

    When I rode this ride it was very smooth and a good ride but the heartline rolls at the end made the ride very disappointing and sore which kind of ruins the ride. There is also not much theming surrounding the ride! I may consider riding again but not top of the agenda.