• Kommi

    Harnais Inconfort A raser !

    The worst coaster I've ever been on. At least with Flight Deck next door you could replace the track and give it new trains and it'll be a fun ride but with this one there are zero redeeming qualities whatsoever. I wouldn't even shed a tear if the park chose to retire it.

  • Kommi

    Harnais Inconfort

    This is pretty standard for SLCs with vest harnesses, the only really painful part for me was the roll over.

  • Kommi

    Inversions Situation Intensité Débit Inconfort

    My favorite of the 3 Flying Dutchmen that were built. This is definitely a front row ride because all other rows are just not that great to be honest, except maybe the back if you want some whip and don't mind getting beat up a little.

  • Kommi

    Inversions Intensité Inconfort

    Blue Hawk is a solid mid-sized looper with a neat location, some good Gs (positive and laterals), a forceful butterfly loop you’ll only find on one other coaster, good headchoppers. However the ride is a bit shaky but at least there’s no head banging due to the vest restraints.

  • Kommi

    Débit Inversions Intensité Théma

    This is a superb B&M Invert. The noise it makes before you even go on it tells you that you're in for a wild ride. The inversions are excellent, especially the Zero-G-Roll. The ride is intense, since this is a classic B&M Invert and these aren't your modern B&M Inverts like Banshee. That means the ride has an excellent whip to it, especially nearing the back row. The only con to this ride is a lack of theming, but this ride opened during the Dick Kinzel era of Cedar Point, so I'll cut it some slack.

  • Kommi

    Inversions Intensité Temps mort

    One of the better inverts I've been on, the cobra roll is very whippy and not as bad as people say, but the second half is kinda just there to get the train back to the station.

  • Kommi

    Théma Inversions Intensité

    Just make sure to ride it later in the day when it warms up, I rode it at night and it was awesome without the trims on!!!

  • Kommi

    Débit Inversions Situation Vibrations

    This ride is a classic. Great capacity, (all three trains running when I went), rock solid inversions that are still fun to this day, and the secluded location in the back of the park, not to mention the interlocking corkscrews that are extremely photogenic. The only slight problem with this ride is that it has a rattle.

  • Kommi

    Just your average spinning mouse, no theming/effects like Exterminator at Kennywood

  • Kommi

    Airtimes Lap Bar Chef d'oeuvre

    The fact that's there's only a buzz bar and no seatbelt makes this ride one of the best wooden coasters out there! If you're planning on going to Knoebels, make sure to come early and on a weekday if they're open.

  • Kommi

    Launch Intensité Layout Harnais Intensité

    The intensity is a double-edged sword for me. On one end, it makes the ride one of the best in the USA, and on the other hand, it can be it a bit overbearing for me personally.

  • Kommi

    Inversions Fun Layout Vibrations Harnais

    This B&M Invert is great since it has 1. The Length (it's the longest of its kind) 2. The Inversions (the loop around the lift hill, the pretzel knot and the final inline twist are all highlights) and 3. It's a generally fun attraction. However, no ride is without its flaws, and this has some pretty noticeable ones. For one, it has a pretty bad rattle (this is a modern B&M Invert and I was surprised at how rattly it was) and 2. The Restraints. Granted they aren't as bad as some coasters with vests like X-Flight or Wild Eagle but they're still somewhat of a problem.

  • Kommi

    Situation Fun Fluidité

    The pretzel loop feels like an African bush elephant is trying to step on you and it's the most intense element on the West Coast arguably. Other than that, Tatsu is the smoothest B&M flyer I've been on barring my last ride which had a considerable rattle.

  • Kommi

    Inversions Layout

    Probably the best overall floorless in terms of sheer layout. The only real problem is that it's basically over old parking lot and doesn't have a lot of greenery around it.

  • Kommi

    Bonne suprise ! Fun Intensité

    Probably one of the most underrated roller coasters I have ridden. The drop and airtime hill are scoffed at constantly but to me that isn't the focus of the ride. To me the true focus of the ride are the high G-Forces found at the two helices which will force you to grey out. Sure the mid-course brake run saps off all the momentum it had going for it but it honestly is kind of cool because you feel like you're a crash test dummy driving straight into a wall.

  • Kommi

    First Drop Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Inconfort

    This isn't the smoothest coaster out there, but that adds to this ride's overall intensity. The ascent is probably one of the greatest of all time with the view of the park and Enter Sandman playing (when it works that is), the first drop is also one of the most spine-tingling out there facing straight down two hundred and sixteen feet. The bottom of the first drop and raven turn are sure to provide you with high G-forces and I'm pretty sure I blacked out everytime on the bottom of the raven turn drop.

  • Kommi

    Fun Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Harnais

    This is one of Intamin's truly elite coasters. The first turn after the 300 foot drop is guaranteed to make you grey out and the high-speed maneuvers that switch you from right to left provide excellent forces. The harness is a bit annoying but if it wasn't there I don't think I'd be writing this review right now.

  • Kommi

    Vitesse Intensité

    I rode in the back and dear god this thing hauled, I greyed out on the loops because of how intense this thing was.

  • Kommi

    Situation Baffes Harnais

    The ride has a very solid concept, the execution falls flat quite a bit. If the ride only had lap bars (It has the typical Premier lap bars as well as a shoulder restraint) it would be an actually good ride.

  • Kommi

    Airtimes Confort Layout Lap Bar

    The last time I rode this in the front I got stapled by one of the operators and that's why Lap Bar is one of the cons.

  • Kommi

    Bonne suprise ! Launch Fun

    This ride took me by surprise the most at BGT. The restraints aren't as big of a problem like some people say because this ride is more relaxed and graceful than its older brother up in Sandusky, which desperately needed soft vests. The launches are fun and decently forceful, the figure eight thing after the second launch gives a great view of the park, and it's really smooth.

  • Kommi

    First Drop Inversions Hangtime Vibrations Harnais

    The overall ride experience is very mixed for this one. On one end, you have a great first drop and inversions, especially the last in-line twist through the control tower that gives great hang-time. On the other hand, this ride has a pretty notorious rattle (whenever I go, that is) and the restraints can be a pain in the ass, especially on humid days. However, I give this ride a 4 stars due to sentimental reasons (this was the first B&M I rode) and the layout is one of the better layouts for a B&M Wing, especially with how compact it is.

  • Kommi

    First Drop Inversions Fun Vibrations Baffes Fiabilité

    This ride is actually pretty underrated. Granted I rode it in the front the only time I went on it but when you're looking straight down at the ground, it's terrifying. Same with the second lift where you're looking straight up at the sky, pretty freaky stuff. However, this ride is not without its flaws, which include headbanging (minor if you're in the front), reliability (especially when I went, it was very rainy when I went back in July 2017), and rattle.

  • Kommi

    Situation Chef d'oeuvre Longueur

    This ride is a icon of amusement parks in the United States and should be at Kings Island until the end of time. The location is perfect for a ride with this name, this ride was a Beast when it opened all the way back in 1979. The lateral-G forces on the ride are some of the best out of any non-Wild Mouse coaster. Also make sure to get a night ride if you can on The Beast, it's a quintessential experience any coaster enthusiast needs to try out.