• Oscar Pinchbeck

    Harnais Fluidité Layout Launch

    Best ride in UK- really long, great airtime! The launches can be a bit weak though.

  • Oscar Pinchbeck

    Airtimes Théma Harnais Trop court Temps mort Intensité

    Its a great ride, but its nothing more than a family coaster. The back row is by far the best and it sucks that you can no longer pick your row

  • Oscar Pinchbeck

    Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Intensité Baffes

    This coaster is super intense and packs in a lot in its short layout. I thought that there was minimal roughness, as always with a B&M invert the corkscrews and zero G rolls can be a bit painful. This coaster also has the best helix of any coaster. Overall my third favourite coaster and I think the way it interacts with the terrain to be masterful.

  • Oscar Pinchbeck

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Vibrations Lap Bar

    I was expecting this to be better. Much better. Despite its crazy intensity and great ejector air, I found it to rough give a higher score. Even in the front row I came off with a headache. I thought the lap bars were really uncomfortable given the amount one flies out of their seat in this ride, and the seatbelt really dug in. I got stapled 4 times on this ride so that made it hard to enjoy more. Overrated.

  • Oscar Pinchbeck

    Airtimes First Drop Confort

    I was expecting El Toro to be my favourite ride at the park but this blew it away! It was silky smooth and I got airtime of every hill. B&M hypers may not always be the most intense but in the back row the helix and turns were fast and intense, all while being exceptionally smooth.