• Trent Yoder

    Airtimes First Drop Théma Vibrations

    Fun overall ride but not as long or as fast as the other woodies in the park. The first drop is great and there are some decent hills. I also enjoy the view of the lake and speeding through the woods. The rattle is okay but there is currently a decently bad pothole toward the end. It's not a super long coaster either.

  • Trent Yoder

    Airtimes First Drop Vitesse

    This thing never stops, the first drop is great and leads into great airtime (there are even more later) I also love the lateral/sideways turns that keep the coaster just going. Even when you completely stop at the breaks you still fly through the rest. The rattle is very tolerable and doesn't seem to take away from any of the coaster.

  • Trent Yoder

    First Drop Launch Fluidité Trop court

    I am a sucker for launches, and especially ones that don't cause the coaster to go down. But that immelmann loop is soooo good and the near misses are so fun. the zero g roll and barrel roll are also a plus. Definitely a shorter coaster but that doesn't take much away from it. Overall very fun and has cool sound.

  • Trent Yoder

    Airtimes Débit Fun

    Decent ride length, decent airtime, Fun laterals. Was a walk on all 3 times but capacity seems like it would be decent. Overall fun but not top 10 or anything.