• Sean Matrai

    Inversions Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    Don’t underestimate this beast by its size alone! Amazing inversions and the most intense inverted coaster

  • Sean Matrai

    Intensité Layout Ejectors

    Steel Vengeance is a masterpiece from start to finish the layout is phenomenal with giving you tons of ejector along with really snappy transitions. The barrel rolls during the 2nd half both are well paced through and intense the first half has amazing banked airtime hills definitely the best coaster in the world

  • Sean Matrai

    First Drop Launch Harnais

    Mavericks new harnesses fixed a ton on this ride best launched coaster hands down not even a competition. First half of the ride gives you an absolutely amazing first drop coupled by some good hang time on the 1st half inversions. The second half maverick really shines the launch is a 10/10 an extremely forceful launch out of the the tunnel into an insane Stengel Dive over the lagoon! An absolute must ride and definitely competes with Steel vengeance for best out there

  • Sean Matrai

    First Drop Confort Ejectors Déception ! Temps mort Layout

    If I had to sum this up in 4 words "El Toro's Baby Brother". This coaster does have some of the most insane bunny hills out there but lacks so badly in it's laterals that it mitigates the benefits. The first drop is pretty intense if you sit in the back seat, but in other seats it lacks. Still it's probably a top 50-60 coaster in the world and it's definitley worth riding if you are going to visit Sweden or particularly Liseberg. It's a nice ride but Helix is definitely the best ride in the park and that is in my top 20

  • Sean Matrai

    First Drop Intensité Ejectors

    I dare you!!! to beat my marathon record 25 straight rides on this during Riding of the Bull. Seriously this is one of the best wooden coasters in the world. Lets talk layout The drop is exceptional where you get vastly different experiences based on what car your in. Front- You creep down the drop then pick up speed as you hit the bottom and if your in the back you will get flung over which is the coolest thing ever. After that you go over 2 straight violent flojecter hills and then curve down into a bank and then over a speed hill which can give you some nice floater moments depending what seat your in. Then comes one of my favorite parts of the ride. You sharp bank left pretty violently if you are in the front(you are hitting it at full speed) and then flung over the "Rolling Thunder Hill" and if your in the back you get one of the best moments of sustained ejector in the world then hit the ground violently and go through some insane laterals before the finish. One other note if you are complaining that El Toro has a "Rattle" then anwser me this how many other wooden coasters (Voyage,Beast,Boulder Dash, Phoenix) have you been on that are considerably rougher, and have you given them higher reviews and been ok with their roughness. When El-Toro is running at it's fullest you can hear the Upstop Wheels roaring on the track right when it banks toward the rolling thunder hill. The wheels mesermerize me into wanting to run to the front enterance. Riding of the Bull last year was the absolute best because El-Toro hauled probably the best I have ever seen it and it's at one of my home parks. Reccomendation night ride during the summer and fall in back car right side. You'll thank me later or just join as at ROTB with ACE.

  • Sean Matrai

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    This is by a considerable amount my favorite wooden rollercoaster. Ok lets go over the layout. The drop and the first 3 three hills are nothing special but once you get past that the fun really begins. You go through some sharp 90 degree turns and the laterals you pull are really forceful. After the trims you go through an outstanding triple down and race through the woods with no pacing issues, offering you a generous helping of ejector and speed. As you get close to the end you fly over the start of the coaster and into the break run. This is easily one of my favorite night rides on any coaster(perhaps my favorite). Getting to experience this elite coaster is an absolute treat and is a must ride for any enthusiast.

  • Sean Matrai

    Situation Baffes Harnais A raser !

    I survived so I guess that’s worth the half star

  • Sean Matrai

    First Drop Longueur Théma Sans intérêt Temps mort

    The new Texas giant is a decent ride however is far from being the best RMC. The first drop is fantastic As no matter where you are sitting you will get a burst of Airtime. After that you go over a speed hill And then through some overbanks Which are pretty good elements. After that the ride completely loses its steam. The second half of the ride features many dead spots and Loses nearly all of its Pacing. The coaster is traveling at the speed of a mine train Or a bit slower like a family coaster. And through the second half there are barely any elements except for a few tunnels The only elements which were pretty decent in the second half are the few bunny ejectors at the end. The theming Was very confusing it had a coaster themed to a Cadillac With a chicken coop in the station. Also the trains have windows on them which I think is a bit odd considering very few coasters really do that. This RMC was the prototype And you can see why. However it is still a good ride and if you’re in the area you should definitely go on it

  • Sean Matrai

    Airtimes Inversions Hangtime Launch Intensité

    This is one of the more Re-Rideable Roller coasters that I want on in Europe. The best elements of helix are the airtime hills , the inverted top hat and the zero g roll at the end Which the inversions promoted a ton of hang time. The other advantage Was that it was a pretty long ride. One huge downside was the launches. Do not come on this ride expecting an Intamin launch like on Maverick or on Taron. It is a more mild launch And not as intense. At times it felt like someone was breathing on the train To get the train going. Just to give you an idea of how mild the launch is . Still this is one of the best terrain coasters you’ll ever see and it is a beautiful symphony. It is a definite must ride in Europe and has some of the most catchy music that you’ll ever hear I still listen to the soundtrack on a daily basis. Andrea’s Anderson knock this one out of the park it is a world-class coaster and one I am proudly to say that I got to ride

  • Sean Matrai

    First Drop Ejectors Longueur

    Twisted timbers is the best of the smallest RMCs . The first three ejector hills are very intense especially on a hot summer night when the coaster is fully heated up. This to me is kind of a Jekyll and Hyde coaster and the reason I say this is because in the morning twisted timbers doesn’t run as well as you would want it too However the pacing is still sustainable enough to be quiet an effiecent ride. The first drop is quite incredible as you get good hang time especially more toward the front of the train as you crawl over that drive if you are in the back you get flung over which is really awesome. My favorite elements are The turnaround and the Trick Track double up

  • Sean Matrai

    First Drop Fun Ejectors Trop court

    The first drop on this is the best drop on any Rocky Mountain construction roller coaster. When you drop you actually get some crazy Laterals in the middle of the drop. The first hill you go over onto the quarry wall you get some insane Ejector And let’s not forget the drop off the quarry Into the tunnel is really good sustained Flo-jector airtime my only Complaint is it could be longer and some of the other elements could be a bit more forceful. However this is one terrific coaster

  • Sean Matrai

    Layout Ejectors Hangtime Temps mort

    Very good and possibly one of the best compact RMCs in the game. There is some good hang time on this ride especially on The zero G stall . The best part of this ride or the Outward Airtime moments Because for at least most of the ride it’s Violent and very forceful. My only con is it does slow down a bit so at the end. But in my opinion definitely the best coaster in New England

  • Sean Matrai

    First Drop Inversions Longueur Temps mort

    Definitely the best Roller coaster in Europe.If I could choose elements instead of inversions I would. The outward bank turn and drop are absolutely amazing And the barrels are super intense and forceful. The dead spot on the right is kind of the end where the twisty section is it loses some pacing