• Proxy 303

    Airtimes Intensité Fluidité Fiabilité

    This ride was the best roller coaster I have ever been on! I rode it both front row and back row, and both have different ride experiences. In the front row, there is almost no airtime. However, the wind in your face makes up for that fact by giving you a true sense of speed. In the back, the weight of the train in front of you pulls you over the tops of the hills, giving the best airtime I’ve ever experienced. The only issue I had with the ride whatsoever was not actually an issue with the coaster itself, but rather the lockers. My locker ate my stuff and I had to call an attendant to open it.

  • Proxy 303

    Airtimes Launch Intensité Trop court

    The launch is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It just doesn’t stop getting faster. The height is amazing too, with a great view of the entire surrounding area. However, line management is a problem. They were only running one car, so it was nearly an hour wait for a 30 second ride.

  • Proxy 303

    Airtimes Vitesse Chef d'oeuvre

    A PERFECT coaster. Exceptionally smooth, lots of airtime, quick snappy transitions, and fun inversions. Front seat is amazing. Best ride in the park. RMC at its finest.

  • Proxy 303

    Bonne suprise ! Fluidité Temps mort

    A solid, fun, fast coaster, with a fun gimmick. Would have been more impressive if not followed by Twisted Colossus which uses the same gimmick better. The ride experience itself is perfectly fun, exceptionally smooth, and although it’s not the biggest or fastest in the park, it’s definitely enjoyable. The waiting time between the two ride sections is a bit annoying though, and it’s just not quite as good as the rest of the rides in the park. But it would easily be one of the best in any other park.

  • Proxy 303

    Fun Longueur Temps mort

    Almost as smooth as any of the modern coasters. I was ready for the janky, super dooper looper, unrefurbished Loch Ness experience. Imagine my surprise when I got an incredibly smooth, very long, absolutely fun ride. It’s not Goliath or Tatsu or Twisted Colossus, but it’s absolutely fun. That being said, I had to rate it 3 stars just because of the fact that it’s a tame layout because of the time it was built. Also an excessive amount of trim brakes.

  • Proxy 303

    Confort Fun Chef d'oeuvre Intensité

    A unique experience I’ve never had. Super smooth. Would be my favorite in the park if not for the G forces on the pretzel loop. The good parts are mind-blowing. You truly feel what it would be like to fly. But the pretzel loop is just too intense for me. Maybe on a sit down coaster it’d be fun, but lying on your back it’s very uncomfortable.

  • Proxy 303

    First Drop Débit Intensité Inconfort

    Doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. Excellent ride, super fast, smooth, and overall really fun. The MCBR kills a lot of momentum, but it builds anticipation of the second drop. The helix was a bit rough though (I almost grayed out), as were the repeated sudden brakes at the end. But the rest of the ride was so good that I can forgive those. Definitely a must-ride for this park.

  • Proxy 303

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Fluidité Lap Bar

    Lots of speed, no MCBR, plenty of airtime. Everything good about the Hurler, minus everything bad about the Hurler. Excellent ride. My one complaint is the lap bar with shin guards, those hurt my legs a bit.

  • Proxy 303

    Airtimes Fun Fluidité Débit

    Super fun! Rode it at Hershey a few months back, and it instantly became my favorite at the park. Easily the smoothest coaster I’ve ever been on, features tons of airtime, and some really snappy twists and turns. Would give it 6 stars if I could.

  • Proxy 303

    First Drop Débit Intensité Vibrations Déception ! Inconfort

    The continuously moving station is BRILLIANT, and it would make for a really cool addition for an otherwise good coaster (like Hagrid’s motorbike coaster) Unfortunately, the continuously moving station is one of the only things I liked about Rockit. The vertical lift was fun, really added tension. The first drop, although somewhat underwhelming, was quite fun. However, after that it was just horrible. I couldn’t focus on my ride because I was too busy trying not to get a concussion. The ride is extremely jarring, with a lot of rattle and shaking. The mid course brake runs (there are four of them) kill a lot of the momentum, but the ride still seems excessively fast on the helix before the second MCBR. I almost blacked out. The music selection thing was a neat feature, although the song options are quite limited. The layout is cool, if they could fix the rattle it would be a truly fun ride. But it’s just too shaky for me. If you’re alright with shaky coasters, then I recommend Rockit, but if not then I’d suggest skipping it.