• cap coas

    Thematisierung Sanftheit Layout

    Superbe découverte, il est de loin le meilleur ride du parc. Intégration, théma, layout, confort, fluidité, tout y est ! Quelques ride en plus (en first par exemple) et je pense que je lui aurait mis cinq étoiles.

  • cap coas

    Komfort Spaß Dead spots

    Toutatis est un très bon coaster, mais il n'en reste pas moins loin de mes attentes. Au passage, il a était mon centième crédit. Je m'explique donc; le layout mise trop sur les petits Twists et virages inclinés en sens inverse, mais sans réel saveur (RMC sont les maîtres à ce jeu, mais pas Intamin, du moins pas sur Toutatis), le Launch est très marrant mais loin d'être surpuissant, et le Top Hat et sa Drop plus qu'anecdotiques. Le Cutback du début est au final l'un des meilleurs éléments du parcours avec la flèche (à l'arrière du train bien sûr), ainsi que l'inversion finale. Pour le Stall, il est là, mais juste là quoi ^^ En ce qui concerne le "nombre record d'airtimes sur une montagne russe" cela me paraît être un plus grand mystère que les pyramides égyptiennes. Au final trop de hype et tapage pour un coaster qui n'en demande pas tant. C'est un très bon roller-coasters, c'est tout, et c'est très bien comme ça, il élargit à merveille l'offre du parc. Juste que ces petits couacs font que je ne le qualifie pas de tuerie (au contraire de son voisin Oziris).

  • クロソイド229

    Airtimes Tempo Ejectors Zu kurz Kapazität


  • Roger B.

    Inversionen Standort Zu kurz Kapazität

    Le coaster le plus sensationnel du parc. Du moins visuellement car en pratique il offre peu de sensations. De toute façon le tout est gâché par un débit catastrophique : s'il n'y a pas assez de monde pour remplir un train on attendra jusqu'à ce que d'autres personnes arrivent. À faire si on achète le pass à la journée mais à l'unité le ride est extrêmement cher pour ce que c'est. Heureusement l'attraction est très bien situé dans un décor asiatique très joli.

  • Jay Deloddere

    Standort Spaß Dauer Unangenehm

    A prendre pour ce qu’il est : un coaster d’ancienne génération ! Cependant très fun, trains très confortables et quelques passages complètement loufoques mais totalement supportables !

  • Duncan G.

    Airtimes Hangtime Dauer Kapazität

    Hangtime isn't my favorite force on a rollercoaster, but I'm growing to like it more, and Copperhead Strike does it so well that I really enjoyed it. And although this is definitely a hangtime-focused ride, there are great ejector moments and some decent positives. It was also very smooth and a lot longer than I expected. Unfortunately, it had the second-longest line of the day for me, which must be due to the small trains. This didn't matter too much, though, with Carowinds' fast operations. The theming is nice but I didn't really follow the narrative. The launches are just OK; they're not meant to be the focus of the ride. Overall, this is a really well-rounded ride with fun elements.

  • Duncan G.

    Inversionen Tempo Intensität

    Afterburn is the most intense invert that I've been on, and I loved it. It's relentless from the surprisingly steep first drop to the whippy final corkscrew. The batwing fully delivered; I grayed out, but not for so long that it was concerning, which I had been worried about. The pacing is amplified by the dense foliage you fly through and the lack of a midcourse. I still prefer Alpengeist for its scale, whippiness, and presentation, but Afterburn is a close second.

  • Duncan G.

    Airtimes First Drop Tempo

    Fury 325 is a great coaster, but I don't think it's the masterpiece that most people say it is. I really only have positive things to say about it: the first drop is outstanding, the speed is showcased well, and there are a couple of really strong airtime moments. It also has a gorgeous presentation with its color scheme and interaction with the park entrance, and like all rides at Carowinds, the operations are very efficient. But I didn't come off it with the same feeling of awe that I had after some other elite rides. In compared to the other gigacoasters I've ridden, I would rank it above I305 but bellow Millennium Force. I'm not even sure about ranking it number one in its park; Afterburn makes a strong case. To contextualize this review, I got one ride in the back row in the morning, so maybe it was running slow. Anyway, it's an amazing coaster and I can understand why to many people have it near the top of their rankings, but for me, it just lacks that special quality to make it elite. Also, what's with the seat belts?

  • Blake S.

    Tempo Spaß

    I know parks love to embellish their rides for marketing purposes, but I think this ride might be the most exaggerated I've seen. 4000 feet is a suspiciously round number, and I struggle to buy that this is 500 feet longer than Roar, 650 feet longer than Hershey's Comet, and 400 feet longer than SKYRUSH, for crying out loud. And 60 miles per hour? Did this operate with a launched lift hill in Massachusetts? Because that's the only way a train can reach that speed from a height of 98 feet. That's my nerd rant. Oh, you wanted to hear about the ride. It was good. Some good pops of air, a fun ending helix, and it keeps a pretty nice pace. Rode in row 5, which may have enhanced the smoothness but lessened the airtime.

  • Alexander D.


    Very fun spinning coaster! Nothing too intense, just a perfect family spinning coaster with a really nice station!