• Mystic Coaster Joachim


    Un classique qu'on ne peut s'empêcher de comparer au célèbre expedition Ge-Force. Alors certes, ses airtimes sont légèrement moins puissants et soutenus mais ils restent excellents. Le stengel dive est très surprenant et apporte une parfaite touche d'originalité à ce intamin oldschool pourtant très linéaire. Les Helix manquent d'intensité mais tirent profit de leur localisation autour des points d'eau. Le final est composé de trois bunny hops assez imposants qui délivrent une bonne dose d'ejectors et d'un dernier virage assez intense avant le retour en gare. La théma et les trains sont minimalistes mais conviennent très bien pour une machine qui procure d'aussi bonnes sensations.

  • Keaton Knippel

    Inversionen Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz

    This one feels like the second half of Velocicoaster. It gets right into the action with a super fast launch, and it's my personal favorite accelerator.

  • Keaton Knippel

    Standort Enttäuschend! Irrelevant Layout

    This ride feels like a mine train with a loop. Definitely shows its age, has no big drops or thrilling moments, but at the very least, the scenery is nice

  • Keaton Knippel

    First Drop Intensität Layout

    I got on this ride with high expectations, and I think for that reason I enjoyed it a bit more the second time. This is a hyper like no other, and certainly not one for the faint of heart. This one will test your limits. There's no shoulder restraints, and while a lot of people say that the lap bars are uncomfortable, I would consider it to be just another part of the experience. This one gets you out of your comfort zone so that you can enjoy an very intense and fun ride.

  • Keaton Knippel

    Thematisierung Rütteln Headbanging Rückhaltebügel

    I never went on the old Sidewinder that this replaced, but I have to say that I really enjoyed the Jolly Rancher theming. Once I left the queue is when the ride stopped being so fun. Watching other people ride this one is great, but it was an incredibly uncomfortable experience, especially going backwards. The shoulder restraints constantly apply a ton of pressure to your shoulders (kind of like two giant stretched out rubber bands), it's not fun.

  • Keaton Knippel

    Tempo Sanftheit Layout

    This ride is an absolute blast. I guarantee you that the vertical lift is not as scary as it looks, and the beyond vertical drop doesn't exactly feel like it is really that steep. Still, this ride is smooth, it has a great layout and pacing, and its very fun.

  • Keaton Knippel

    Thematisierung Spaß Zu kurz

    Very short ride, but perfect for kids. It is quite smooth, and riding in the front is very fun on this one. The theming with Merlin as well as the smoke tunnel are also very appreciated.

  • Keaton Knippel

    Spaß Intensität Rütteln Airtimes

    This one is showing its age, and a few too many rides will probably give you a headache, but this ride is fun and worth checking out.

  • Keaton Knippel

    Zu kurz

    the whole coaster smelled like stinky diaper.

  • Keaton Knippel

    Airtimes Komfort Spaß

    This ride is just so good. It always puts a smile on my face, and it seems that the gp also loves it. It's a ride that everyone can enjoy, it's smooth as chocolate, and it deserves the hype