• Pixelios Coaster

    Tempo Spaß Dauer Unangenehm Intensität

    J'ai mis "Fun" mais je précise : au last. La drop vous tire bien, c'est plutôt surprenant, et certains virages et changement de directions sont assez rigolo (notamment l’espèce de Sturn dans le tunnel vers la fin). Ça reste tout de me inconfortable. En revanche, au first, on retrouve un peu plus de confort et on ose y lever les mains, mais on a presque envie de pousser sur nos pieds tant les camels back sont avares ne serait ce qu'en floating. C'est un family sympatoche mais qu'on ne chaineride pas. Mention spéciale au lift que je trouve raide sa mère pour un wooden.

  • Louis Turck

    Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Intensität Thematisierung

    Alors j'ai mis 4,5 étoiles à Anubis car pour moi c'est un très bon coaster (c'est quand même le meilleur coaster que j'ai ridé pour l'instant) le launch est vachement puissant il y a un bon airtime au top hat certains parlent de vibrations en bas de ce top hat je n'en ai ressentis qu'au last et de nuit (donc quand il avait bien chauffé pendant une nocturne estivale) et sur un instant si rapide que ça n'a pas été très génant le diveloop on le passe vachement rapidement (bonne intensité quoi) le reste du layout aussi est bon on pourrait peut être reprocher le ptit coup de freins et l'heartline roll qu'on passe pas super rapidement mais personellement j'aime bien.La perfection n'existe pas et la théma est basée sur une série (que j'ai pas vu) et donc je la comprend pas vraiment et même dans le ride le cadre est sympa (au millieu des arbres) mais à part sa pas de grosse théma quoi. Ce ride vaut vraiment le coup donc dès que vous en aurrez l'occasion déplacez vous à LaPanne et ridez Anubis !

  • Evangelion Martini

    It's a roller coaster.

  • Joe Bord

    Nette Überraschung! Standort Spaß

    Why does this coaster only have a 36.7? This ride should be at least a 50. I love classic goodies. Especially this one. This ride is smooth too, as you float over the airtime hill. I also just love how you get to cross under the road and out of the park to reach the station. All in all. This classic wood coaster delivers in a fun ride and a smooth one too.

  • Joe Bord

    Inversionen Intensität Rütteln

    Ive been on 4 batman clones I don't know, but this one is just a lot rougher than the others. Seems like they don't give much love to this one anymore. They are always intense and give some good whip and g force. Overall this batman is ok when the one in Georgia is good

  • Joe Bord

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Zu kurz

    As this ride is short, it really packs a punch. The first drop is awesome and flings you out of your seat. The reverse cobra roll is fun and whippy and gives good hangtime at the same time. The wave turn is my favorite part of the ride and gives good sideways airtime. The step up to the overbank is extremely strong and the overbank is whippy and fun. The zero-g roll gives good whip in the front and good hangtime in the back. The next 2 hills are strong pops of ejector and are very fun. You then go into an overbank that feels like the first one and then you twist into the break run.

  • Joe Bord

    Intensität Enttäuschend!

    This is was my first Schwartzkopf and the vertical loops really caught me by surprise. The first drop in the back is good. And the first loop gives you a good dose of positive gs. Shockwaves loops are better, but Mind Bender's are still fun. Whenever you ride back up, you get some good air in the front. The little dive thingy that six flags call a "loop", is very forceful, but very rough. I wouldn't call this whole ride rough, it's just a little shaky. The drop following the "loop" is fun in the back and gives you good airtime. Once again, as you rise back up and level out flat you get some good floater in the front. The next drop is once again good in the back and the loop following is forceful. Then you ride back up and turn into the brake run.

  • Joe Bord

    Airtimes Spaß Meisterwerk Rütteln

    This ride is awesome. The lift hill gives you a great view of the park. That drop is underrated and ejected me out of my seat every time. The valleys are a bit rough, but I can still enjoy the g forces on them. The first hill gives you some great sustained airtime. You then drop off the hill and bank left over the road. This turn gives you great positives and it's cool you you get to drive under it. The following hill is like the first, but better as you rise up with airtime and dive towards a dirty lake. You go up another airtime hill that's finished with a 540 degree helix. This helix is relatively forceful and fun. This helix isn't as good as Titan at Six Flags Over Texas's helix but is still a cool and unique way to turn around. The next hill gives you an extremely sustained 4 seconds of air. Following that is a horseshoe turn that looks and feels like an overly aggressive overbank. This leads you into the epic finale: 3 back to back ejector airtime hills. This is my favorite part of the ride. These hills don't mess around. Each one gives you stronger ejector that's the previous. After that is a little turn into a bunny hop that doesn't do much. Then you slide into the brakes

  • Joe Bord

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Sanftheit

    Why do I love this thing so much? Is it the sleek and smooth track, or feeling like you are surfing? The drops even give you a little airtime in the back of the train. Not to mention but this thing is as smooth as glass. The wave turn into the corkscrew is a great moment. HIGHLY recommend. Even if you don't like standup, you should try this one out for sure. Make sure you bend your knees a little bit before the seats lock.

  • Joe Bord

    Schoßbügel Kapazität

    Fun eurofighter. The vertical lift is always scary and the drop has some decent airtime on it. The coaster is very smooth and has some fun inversions. The mid-course brakes do slow the car down, but that allows for some good hangtime. Overall, fun ride. Line can get quite long.