• hamza far

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Spaß Rütteln Zu kurz

    its like a bigger version of little dipper at great america it pretty fun but has a slight rattle and is kinda short. Good for kids

  • hamza far

    Spaß Rütteln Headbanging Rückhaltebügel

    its far worse that the one at great america and i have to brace my self for certain parts of the coaster.

  • hamza far

    First Drop Ejectors Dauer

    This thing is powerful. I rode it in the last row in the night and when the first drop came i put my hands up then down cause i was suprised and the drop is so intense. I was holding on the lap bar for my dear life cause of the powerful ejectors and dang this ride is long cause my first rmc was goliath in great america and that is super short. The tunnels were not lit up and that added to the experience cause you can not see whats coming.and i bet people rate it so low cause they didd't ride it in the front or back cause its entirely different. Amazing coaster good job shilke.Doesnt need inversions

  • Ryan A.

    Thematisierung Intensität Sanftheit Irrelevant Zuverlässigkeit

    A train got stuck at the top of the lift somehow which took a while for the ops to deal with, but other than that it was a solid ride. It is probably the most intense invert that I’ve been on so far and has decent theming for six flags.

  • Ryan A.

    Spaß Sanftheit Dauer Rückhaltebügel

    In one word, this ride is just fun. It doesnt make you crap yourself like X2 or try to kill you like Twisted Collosus, it is just a fun multi-launch dueling coaster. The harness isnt ideal, but didnt really bother me. It bridges the gap between family coasters and thrill machines nicely, and makes for a very enjoyable ride.

  • Ryan A.

    Kapazität Nette Überraschung! Intensität

    As my first RMC raptor, this blew me away. It was super fast throughout and packed in lots of elements. Also, nobody seems to talk about the headchoppers on this thing. I kept ducking because there were so many, so that was interesting. I really struggle to think of a single flaw; it is just a really good coaster.

  • Ryan A.

    First Drop Spaß Meisterwerk Headbanging Kapazität Zuverlässigkeit

    This is hands down the best ride I have been on in my entire life. Even with the music, animation, and fire all down, and only one train being used, it was still incredible from beginning to end. It isnt perfect, especially with the crazy headbanging at the end basically making you lean forward and the obvious unreliability of the effects, but that is not enough to make it anything less than 5 stars because it is just so dang good. The first drop made me feel like I would die, the backflips were great, and it was just chaotic fun from start to end.

  • Ryan A.

    Abschuss Spaß Hangtime Zu kurz

    This is basically the perfect ride to get warmed up on. Its pretty short, but it has some punchy launches and crazy hangtime on the huge loop. The… surprise was cool and ride operator had a bit of a sense of humor asking if we want a countdown and then immidiately launching us. Fun ride!

  • Stijn Wigger

    Airtimes First Drop Dauer Dead spots

    This ride has an amazing first drop and a good sense of speed. Some hills are intenser than other hills, but it’s just such a fun ride!

  • Stijn Wigger

    Airtimes Spaß Intensität

    Goliath is a great ride and I personally like the helixes very much and the last turn is so forceful. An amazing experience with great airtimes!