• Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes Spaß Rütteln Dead spots

    It’s the same as the blue side when dueling, but during my visit, for the second and third days, the blue side wasn’t running. This made it so it didn’t have any racing feature and was just a big mine train pretty much. Both do have airtime and are both pretty janky, though it’s more noticeable for me on this side. Still a good ride, but it’s definitely better when you’re racing.

  • random 00

    First Drop Meisterwerk Intensität Headbanging

    X2 is crazy like nothing else. Its the only coaster ive been to that genuenily scared me. Its super fun, the first drop is so good. Watch out for the last raven turn tho. There might be a big jolt in the back rows.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung!

    I highly recommend requesting a row on this ride. Getting an inside seat of the car eliminates the roughness, and they generally allow that to happen on this ride. Anyways, first 2 hills gives great airtime followed by a larger hill with decent whip in the back car. Turnaround provides some decent laterals and the rest of the ride has even more airtime on each hill. In my opinion, this is an underrated gem, just like many other PTCs. Those lap bars give me so much room and the ride is great as a result.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Inversionen Intensität Headbanging Unangenehm

    For my ride experience on Rougarou, there was headbanging on every element, which pretty much ruined the ride experience for me. But there was a lot of intense moments and the inversions were decent. So idk what to feel about this.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Standort Spaß Rütteln Dead spots

    I mean, it’s pretty good for a family coaster. In terms of forces, there are no forces. Just speed and a bit of intensity with the swinging. It’s fun. A bit of jankiness because of it being a 80s arrow, not too bad. This thing’s location is incredible. Not only does it have the beautiful pond that can have mist, it also uses Top Thrill 2’s spike to its advantage. You get insane views of the spike, even going under it. Anyways, this is the better arrow family coaster and this is what you should be taking your kids on instead of Cedar Creek.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    First Drop Thematisierung Hangtime Rückhaltebügel

    Crowman. Big crow.

  • Bigveau Coaster

    Inversionen Tempo Intensität Zuverlässigkeit

    Monster est la représentation parfaite d'un bon coaster old school. C'est d'une intensité absolument démentielle, les inversions sont passées à une vitesse à peine croyable (les flat spin mon dieu) c'est complètement dingue. Après 21 ride il se classe directement parmis les meilleurs coaster que j'ai pu faire. Son seul défaut est qu'il est assez peu fiable ce qui est assez étonnant pour du b&m.

  • Gautier S.

    Thematisierung Ejectors Dauer Rütteln Dead spots

    Un 4/5 pour moi, sachant que EP et mon parc de cœur ;) Excellente thématisation qui m'a vraiment plongé dans la storyline choisie pour cette zone et cette machine, hâte de voir quand tout sera totalement finie et embellie. Le coaster est rempli de qualité avec ses launchs bien sympa, sa longueur et ses ejectors monstrueux. L'étoile perdu est dû au fait que le layout peut être un peu répétitif par endroit et casse légèrement le rythme (mais c'est un pur ressenti personnel d'autres apprécieront), et le reste de l'étoile perdue vient des vibrations. La technique de ne pas coller son dos au siège fonctionne très bien pour que le ride ne soit pas désagréable, mais pour un coaster neuf ce n'est pas possible de devoir faire des techniques de ce genre. Si cela s'améliore ce sera donc un 4,5 max, mais ça fait plaisir d'avoir une machine comme ça à portée.

  • Arthur Bonneau

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität Thematisierung

    Une très belle machine ! Malgré son âge, Goliath m'a surpris de part son intensité (surtout en fin de journée), et par ses Airtimes bien plus prononcé que sur un Silver Star. On regrettera juste la thema trop à "l'Americaine".

  • Bubble Gaming

    Thematisierung Spaß Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel

    Last year, I had a disappointing experience with this, making it easily my least favorite spinning coaster and a 1.5 star rating. The main reason for this was the restraint. It HURT, digging into my stomach and ruining the ride. This time, the restraint was terrible, but I was actually able to enjoy the ride. The layout was actually represented in the rating. It has some pretty good moments and sometimes it can spin out of control. Also, I’m a fan of the theming on this ride. The fact that each mice has a name and its own personality with the sign out front and the speaker in the station. The audio on the ride is also a nice touch, though the lift hill music can get annoying if you’re stuck in line. There even is a cat at the top that further enhances the theme, but from behind it’s a bit weird for a family coaster (not as weird as the statue on Catwoman Whip). I do want to say this, it is quite short. As soon as the spinning gets going, it’s on the break run. It is compact, but could use a bit more track. Still a nice family coaster as it makes its way up my ranking.