• Jor Cooreman

    Capacity Theming Disappointing! Tear it down!

    The ride is pretty long and pretty fun for kids but for me I've almost never gone to plopsaland and thought "let's ride draak", even when I was a kid. The ride is pretty long but has no point of being there.

  • guine

    Airtimes Fun Layout Capacity

    I just love this ride. I have to admit that it runs poorly, but except that you don't have any cons about it. Some would argue that this might be not intense, but this makes even more crowds could enjoy this masterpiece and since the intensity is not that much you could enjoy this over and over without being exhausted. And the layout is just awesome. I love how it leads from start to finish -including the pre-lift section- What I want to do now is ride this thing again, and I will book a ticket to Japan to ride this again in this summer

  • Rick S.

    Airtimes Theming Inversions Harness Dead spots

    Actually fairly underrated. I've never done the clone at DLP but this one is probably better due to elite theming. The first two drops actually have nice ejector. The loop has great positives with some intense negative g's at the top. I didn't find length to really be a problem. My only ride on this was back row at night, so I definitely had it better than most. Its only cons really are its OTSR's and the mid course brake runs. A good 7.5/10,

  • Benjamin Rose

    Location Smoothness Too short

    A short little treat in a lovely location perched atop Liseberget. The two-hitter of Luna and Lisebergbanan make for an excellent introduction to roller coasters for youngsters and act as a middle ground between the childrens attractions and the more intense roller coasters and flat rides. It is short at as hell though.

  • Vinzenz T.

    Theming Fun Dead spots

    Mammut is a fun family woodie but definitely weaker than its GCI cousins Wodan and El Toro. The ride just doesn't do very much aside from a few ok floater moments and some near-misses. The ride has a noticeable rattle but nothing too bad for a woodie. The theming of the ride was done very detailed with a great darkride scene at the beginning. All in all good for families but unfortunately a very forgettable ride. It makes for some good visuals in the back of Tripsdrill though.

  • Jack H.

    Theming Masterpiece Intensity Too short

    Snappy Pacing and Intense Inversions Throughout the whole ride. Disney Level theming, looks so cool!

  • Jack H.

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun

    Very fun and comfortable ride with some of the best airtime moments. Once I managed to get a front row ride. It lacks intensity though.

  • BloxyMan

    Fun Too short Layout

    Really good but… too short and in between the loop and heart line roll its not as fun

  • Vape rios

    Ejectors Capacity

    Très bon ride, surpris par le lift

  • Rik Verdonschot

    Airtimes Capacity Discomfort Lap Bar

    I was in soooo much pain on this ride. Never experienced anything like it. During the many airtime moments the lap bar dug so deep into my legs it felt like they would get chopped off. Rode it twice, once in the front, once in the back, was literally bruised for days afterwards. The airtime on there is insane, but it's a torture device in my book.