• Ty_Coaster

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß Kapazität

    Petit bijou de technologie avec de nombreuses surprises, génial vraiment par contre je préfère clairement winja's fear car encore plus de surprises.

  • Ty_Coaster

    Intensität Rütteln Enttäuschend! Unangenehm

    Bordel.... Mon avis sur ce coaster c'est encore dégradé... En cette soft opening 2024, il m'a paru encore pire que ces 2 dernières années, surtout que l'année dernière c'était déjà douloureux. Je comprend qu'il vient d'être retracké mais faut faire quelque chose car c'est une honte absolue qu'un coaster vieux de 2ans soit aussi violent...

  • Luke

    Closed now lol

  • Luke

    First Drop Spaß Intensität Unangenehm

    X2 is not for people who like a smooth, calm ride. This is so insane, and I can't even tell you about that first drop, you have to ride it to believe it. The back row is the craziest.

  • Chermaine S.

    Just your standard Wacky Worm. Violent laterals.

  • Sam P.

    Thematisierung Standort Intensität Rütteln

    Well after 30 years, the beast has been reborn, and what an incredible job John Burton and Merlin Magic Making have done. The theming changes and enhancements that have been made to the whole experience and surrounding parts of Forbidden Valley are exceptional, the story is cohesive and simple to understand and execution is spot on. The new queue line at the top of the pit, with numerous theming pieces such as the huge gun that "fires" at the train as it goes through the first corkscrew and the rolling preshow before heading past the stall turn to the station, is great and gives some amazing views that have been unseen for many people. The station has been transformed as well, it's now the inside of the monster and it looks incredible. Ops are great as well, the Beast just rips through the queues. The layout is completely unchanged, save for a slight reprofiling on the zero g roll, which has really enhanced how that rides, it's really fluent and snappy. It's also retained all the intensity, if anything it feels even more forceful than old Nemmy later on in the day once it's warmed up. Unfortunately the other new part of the ride experience is a rattle, and it's not a slight one either, it's a real shake in some places. It seems to be bad on the slower sections, the stall turn, overbank, and particularly the final turn into the brakes, which makes me think it's a wheel issue, so hopefully they can fix it soon, as it is taking away from the ride experience. Apart from that though, the Beast really is back with a vengeance, it's great to have it back and long may the standard of the theming continue across the Merlin estate!

  • Niko Ramos

    Schoßbügel Intensität Sanftheit Unangenehm Intensität

    It was a very intense ride because of the positive G’s pulled on this ride, and the lap bar was made for your comfort and was very smooth too. But I thought it was probably a little too intense because the positive G’s on the helix squish you very forcefully (4 G’s) into your seat causing you to grey out, the problem is it’s very sustained and that makes it uncomfortable.

  • szablewski romain

    Komfort Sanftheit Kapazität

    Coaster cool pour les enfants. Par contre qu'elle connerie et amateurisme de la pars du parc d'avoir acheté un coaster avec 1 seul train et qui en plus fait 2 tours ! Un enfer pour les enfants la files d'attente...

  • Ben Hopson

    Standort Intensität Layout Rütteln Zu kurz

    This ride is one of the most talked about in the UK, and for good reason! It's very intense and the pacing is incredible, not to mention the location and surrounding scenery which really adds to the ride. Although I wouldn't call it rough, I've had some rides on it recently that did knock my head around. Also, despite having a great layout, the ride is really quite short. UPDATE POST REBORN: Ride thoughts remain mostly unchanged, but the new theming REALLY elevates it higher than I ever could've expected. Big eye <3

  • Theo Theory

    Airtimes Inversionen Ejectors Thematisierung

    Just crazy ejectors and inversions and sooooo much airtime and is long ride