• Dylan

    First Drop Ejectors Dauer Dead spots

    This is RMC’S first rollercoaster and it’s exceptional. It has several intense airtime moments, a long length, and good pacing. I love the theming of this coaster as the cars are themed to Texas. I also like the Chicken Coop which is a designated area for non riders to go. It’s like a way of saying non riders are chickens almost making fun of non riders. It’s funny! In terms of seat selection I definitely prefer the back. The front is good but there is nothing about the front that is better than the back. This ride is 150 feet tall and has a top speed of 65MPH. I love it when at the top of the lift hill there’s a sign that says wait let’s discuss this. Then the first drop is exceptional. You get very strong and sustained ejector airtime in the back car. Even the front gets good floater airtime. It’s one of the best drops on any coaster and it’s my favorite part of the ride, it’s the strongest airtime moment at Six Flags Over Texas. The step up following the first drop gives very strong ejector airtime no matter where you are sitting. I think it’s stronger in the back but it’s strong no matter where you’re sitting. Then there are 3 overbanked turns. The first one gives floater airtime throughout the whole train. The 2nd one has extremely good whip and ejector airtime on the descent if you’re in the back. The 3rd one has a terrifying head chopper and good laterals. The speed hill afterwards is the 2nd best airtime moment on New Texas Giant. Everyone gets powerful ejector airtime. The mid course break run barely slows you down at all and the drop from the mid course break run has great laterals in the back. The hill after that has weak floater airtime throughout the train. The drop following that has strong and sustained ejector airtime in the back car. You even get ejector airtime in the front. Then the titled turn after that has good ejector airtime. But unfortunately after that the ride starts to die down and there are some dead spots. The bunny hills give pops of airtime. Then you go into 3 tunnels. The hills in the tunnels don’t offer airtime unfortunately but it is cool going into them especially at night when it’s lit up. Then the final bunny hills give pops of airtime. This is overall a great ride and it’s my favorite ride at Six Flags Over Texas. It gets a rating of 9 out of 10.

  • aleksander samuelsson

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Thematisierung Dead spots

    This ride has amazing airtime and a wonderful first drop and some strong positive G:s on the first helix. But those 2 twisty hills are pointless, and the second helix could be more forceful. But the finish with those 3 hills and a very forceful curve is excellent.

  • Dylan

    Airtimes Tempo Spaß Dead spots

    Judge Roy Scream is an underrated rollercoaster at SFOT. It is a 1970s wooden rollercoaster. It has a top speed of 45MPH. It may be hard to find but it was easy to find for me. And this ride is weird too. This ride has lap bar and seatbelt restraints. In terms of seat selection the front has better airtime but the back is whipper. After you complete the 71 foot tall lift you go down the 61 foot drop. You will get some decent sustained floater airtime in the back car. It’s not that strong but it’s fun. At the bottom of the drop you get some weak laterals since you turn left. The second hill gives good airtime no matter where you sit as it can be considered ejector airtime. The third and fourth hill give some decent sustained floater airtime no matter where you’re sitting. You then head into a turnaround and since it’s unbanked you get some good laterals. You then go down the drop off this turnaround and it only gives weak floater airtime in the back. You then head over a few more hills giving weak airtime before heading over the final little speed hill giving good ejector airtime throughout the whole train. It’s stronger up front but it’s good no matter where you sit. And then the ride ends. Overall this is a fun family coaster and a good coaster for starters. It’s not too intense and it has a height requirement of 42 inches. I’d say this is more intense than runaway mine train but less intense than runaway mountain, pandemonium or even la Vibora. This ride gets a 7/10. This ride has good quantity of elements but the quality is just okay. I don’t mind the roughness as I don’t find it painful but this ride is not smooth.

  • aleksander samuelsson

    Thematisierung Spaß Intensität Zu kurz

    This is a really fun roller coaster! Good forces, nice layout and very good theming. Can ride this all day long. You always walk of with a big smile.


    Sanftheit Inversionen

    Je m’attendais à avoir mal au crâne au vu de la réputation du constructeur mais c’était bizarrement fluide, après c’est pas non plus un chef d’oeuvre

  • Je B.

    Spaß Sanftheit

    Un petit kiddie-coaster qui fait tout ce qu'on demande de se genre de machine, pas grand chose à dire, c'est un bon coaster pour les plus petits.

  • Je B.

    Rütteln Unangenehm Schoßbügel

    Je lui ai laisser une seconde chance, c'est encore une catastrophe, encore pire qu'il y'as 3 ans ... Des vibrations monumentale, le train saute tout les 2m, c'est une purge totale, à fuir et éviter au plus vite, raser moi cette bouse ou retracker moi ça en RMC, il n'y a plus rien à sauver ...

  • Benoit Kin

    Layout Rütteln Unangenehm Irrelevant

    retrack NUL de gravity groupe ce coaster est devu une vraie bousse sa vivre et sa tape a donf new debut de saison 2024 de pire en pire retrack complément raté c est devenu une vraie bouse les airtimes sont horrible sa vibre de partout ride compètent nul c est une honte quel gâchis avoir claqué de la tune la dedans

  • Edouard S.

    Layout Rütteln Kapazität Irrelevant

    Refait en début de saison 2024, plus de trains en backwards, aucune sensation, rdv chez le chiropracteur à programmer, vraiment déçu

  • Xavier B.

    First Drop Rütteln Enttäuschend! Unangenehm

    Vieilli très mal ! Comment un banger peut devenir aussi merdique en vieillissant ?!?