• IronChef C.


    This is technically a roller coaster and bc it is a rollercoaster, it gets a rating. I think the layout is ok. The ride itself is not. Everyone's shouting for a floorless conversion and it would help...so maybe its time to do it.

  • IronChef C.

    Thematisierung Standort Spaß

    As another reviewer has posted...and hopefully this can be kept as somewhat of a secret...you can stand on this coaster. I'm 6ft, 200lbs and I can almost stand straight up. I do it every-time now during the Big Bad Wolf's old drop. It makes for an insane ride. I also have noticed that I grey out inside the show building as well. This thing is a beast that seems to be getting better and better. I've had so many rides on it and it keeps growing on me. I've had lights on, lights totally off with no effects seemingly working, been stuck on it a few times over the years (kinda cool bc they have themed voice overs during it) and it just keeps getting better. It's super smooth, has intense moments, a killer surprise moment that is fun every-time even when you know its coming, killer theming, pays homage to its predecessor, a great layout, great drop, solid launches....it's hard to find a fault. In a park full of crazy good rides, Verbolten might be the best...? Awesome ride that keeps climbing my rankings.

  • IronChef C.

    in the film, the hippogriff seems to fly much higher than this. solid family coaster. cool views of the areas and such from it also makes it worthwhile.

  • IronChef C.

    one of the best looking and best themed coasters around. it manages to be forceful, fun, and not as pissed off as Mark Ruffalo's twitter feed. This feels like it was based more on Lou Ferrigno or Eric Bana, and I for one, appreciate that.

  • IronChef C.

    Rough, intense, an inversion, air time, laterals. What's not to love about this? Killer ride.

  • IronChef C.

    Best hyper out there. It's not even close. All hypers are good too, but this one is on another level. Zero faults. A must ride.

  • IronChef C.

    in the battle for most mediocre grover coaster...this one is the clear winner. *the grovers are probably great rides for kids bc they're smooth and enjoyable*

  • IronChef C.

    in the battle for best grover coaster...this one is the clear winner. *the grovers are probably great rides for kids bc they're smooth and enjoyable*

  • IronChef C.

    in the battle for worst grover coaster...this one is the clear winner. *the grovers are probably great rides for kids bc they're smooth and enjoyable*

  • IronChef C.

    new rule. no wild mouse coasters at sea world owned parks. the parks are too good and too pretty to have wasted the space. gimme another animal exhibit or a flat ride.

  • IronChef C.

    why did they stop building these? so intense, so long, so much fun. i absolutely loved kumba. every element hits so hard, i greyed out, i loved it, maybe the best ride in the park for me.

  • IronChef C.


    a C+ if there ever was one. ride it if the wait is short and you haven't done one of these before. That said, I always look at these and go, "meh I guess I'll ride it" and come off thinking "those things are really fun".

  • IronChef C.

    The hype is big for Montu. It checks every box. Yet, for me, it didn't deliver like a few other inverts have. Something about it just didn't hit me right. It rides great, is big, the inversions are proper and the pacing is excellent...but nothing stood out making it head and shoulders above the rest. Alpengeist is still my favorite bc of how big it feels and it has the perfect setting. Great Bear feels so original and the tight loop hits just right as it roars throughout the parks and over the water. Montu, while great, doesn't beat those two for me. A must ride, and a stellar ride at that, but not the legend it's made out to be. I did prefer a back row on it by far.

  • IronChef C.

    Nette Überraschung! Tempo Layout

    Really enjoyed this one. I haven't ridden anything else like it really and it gets points for that. Proper airtime in there as well which was a great surprise.

  • IronChef C.

    First Drop Kapazität Spaß

    It dives like a dive coaster should. It has a nice layout. It has the proper dive restraints. It gives nice views of the park. It has a splashdown. But why then, is Griffon so much better? Baffling.

  • IronChef C.

    Standort Tempo Meisterwerk

    Not the best at the park, but certainly is my favorite. 3 rides on it; one front row, back row, and middle. The back row sunset ride was special. Front row had those perfect views. The thing hauls throughout its layout and is amazingly scenic next to the water. Smooth throughout (for an Intamin), amazing ops, killer air, killer speed, awesome first drop, tunnel, etc. Its a complete coaster in every way. If I could only ride one ride at CP, it would be Millie. Sure, SteVe is longer and does all the RMC stuff...but Millennium Force is just a proper giga and a more memorable experience for me. I'll take the speed and those views all day long.

  • IronChef C.

    Tempo Layout

    Had 2 rides on it and one was stalled and rolled back before the hill. Weird. But once we got going, it lived up to the hype. Great ride with plenty of variation in the layout. Great pacing and tunnel launch was killer. Definitely a top 10 for me.

  • IronChef C.

    Airtimes Spaß Sanftheit

    Super smooth and fantastic air on this one. Don't skip; Gemini is quietly one of the better coasters at the park.

  • IronChef C.

    Solid mid-tier woodie. A few good pops of air in there, mostly smooth but a bit jolty for a proper experience that fills a need in the park.

  • IronChef C.

    Zu kurz Unangenehm

    Waited way too long to ride it so I'm pretty soured on this Arrow. This is probably the worst Arrow I've ridden...and that says something. Certainly photogenic so I'm sure its not going anywhere but it is a short painful ride that doesn't do much. Skip it if the wait is over 20mins.

  • IronChef C.

    Standort Abschuss Kapazität

    Feels like flat ride. I like some of the forces you get and the launch was good. Sit in the front or back only. Beautiful location. I would only ride if its a short wait or you must have the credit.

  • IronChef C.

    Airtimes First Drop Tempo

    Is it the best RMC? Probably not. But is it the most fun? I think so. The floater airtime moments are unreal and has such a perfectly varied layout that throws a little bit of everything at you without beating you up like some of the others can. I got 21 rides on it in one evening and had a blast. Most rides would have given me a headache or I would have gotten sick of them, but not Twimbers; its a pretty perfect ride and will always be underrated.

  • IronChef C.

    Intensität Layout

    Not in the top 300? That is absurd. Criminally underrated. Beats Phoenix for me. Love the intensity and the laterals. Some good drops and a few air pops. Amazing woodie. Very smooth. Got the shirt. HAD to get the shirt. As far as woodies go, its only beaten by LRod and El Toro for me. Love this ride.

  • IronChef C.

    Amazong floorless coaster. Everything about it works for me. Love that a coaster rethemed to Bizarro is in a random spot in the park away from the other DC stuff. Brilliant. Got a few rides on it back to back. I was surprised to get a solid pop of airtime on a floorless. The effects worked! The layout is great and has good length. The cobra roll felt very different from others too. Old B&Ms are great rides. Probably my new favorite floorless taking over from the great Rougarou.

  • IronChef C.

    Thematisierung Dauer Headbanging

    an experience. a must-do. bonkers layout and pacing. headbanging was a problem for me and i never complain about that stuff. on re-rides it would be better bc you know what to expect. fantastic theming and effects though, great vertical drops and lifts and hangtime is great. sidenote: best tshirt in the park.

  • IronChef C.

    Nette Überraschung! Standort Layout

    Surprise of the park for me. I actually loved it. Got a really good ride in the front row (weird for a floorless). Very smooth and a nice layout. It was just a solid ride for me.

  • IronChef C.

    Its a wild mouse themed to my favorite movie and in the air conditioning. So...its fine. For me.

  • IronChef C.

    Bonkerz air. One of the best first drops in the game. Best choppers in the game. That rolling thunder hill is fantastic. Complaining about a rattle on a wooden coaster this smooth is sacrilege. It's also stunning to watch. World class, must ride.

  • IronChef C.

    Stupid or liar? Anyone that says there is no airtime is stupid or lying. Ive ridden 5 B&M hypers and this one is easily sitting in 2nd overall. Great location, strong floater, quick ops, killer helix, cool drop turns. Needs paint.

  • IronChef C.

    it's good. Its an experience. But if you've done Dragster, you'll be let down. Rattles as everyone says. Restraints aren't the best but dont kill it really. Its just not as good as its little brother.