Very basic kids coaster
Spaß Rückhaltebügel Schoßbügel
Its a fun spinning coaster, but the lap bar is very bad.
Standort Tempo Ejectors
Best wooden coaster I've ridden. Unreal airtime and pacing is awesome.
Airtimes Komfort Intensität
Amazing ride, forces are insane in the back
Kapazität Inversionen Dauer Dead spots
Very good, love the near miss and some of the forces are great.
First Drop Komfort Dauer
Very good B&M, nothing to complain about
Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz
That launch is unreal, feels like your soul is left behind, but it is very short.
Airtimes Hangtime Zu kurz Enttäuschend!
It was good, but really short and not like a typical rmc, definitly the worst rmc i've ridden.
Abschuss Intensität
It was always fun with no line, don't know why people didn't like it.
Airtimes First Drop Abschuss Zuverlässigkeit
It was so good, going from - 0 to 120 that fast is insane.
Airtimes Dauer Rütteln Rückhaltebügel
I actually liked it when it was around, although I was a kid immune to pain
First Drop Abschuss Ejectors
Its so much better than the og. launch is so long, and you are going 100 to 120 mph the entire length of the launch on the last launch which is just unreal.
Spaß Kapazität
Its a kids ride, nothing special. Takes forever to get on though.
Kapazität Headbanging Rückhaltebügel Inversionen
Its awful and painful. It has an awful rattle and the corkscrews are bad.
Dauer Rütteln Dead spots
Good for young kids, but its slow and boring with no real good drop or any airtime.
Spaß Kapazität
Nothing special, but its a fun ride for all ages and if you get a good spin it can be real fun.
Spaß Sanftheit Dauer Dead spots
Nothing to write home about, but its a good calm ride
Airtimes Spaß Intensität Rütteln
Underrated woodie, crazy airtime in the back row, although it can get painful.
Inversionen Tempo Spaß Headbanging
Never has a line and is super underrated. Has a rattle but its not bad for an old standup.
First Drop Hangtime Zu kurz
Love the drop and hang, but its just way way too short. If its gonna be short its gotta be crazy like Dragster
Airtimes Ejectors Rütteln Intensität
Best Ejector I've ever experianced, but it had a good rattle and can be too intense for some.
First Drop Kapazität Standort Dead spots
Super good near miss, great drop, but the second half is dead and it lacks intensity.
Tempo Intensität Layout Headbanging
Real fun, good inversions, only bad part is the headbanging, but you can avoid it.
First Drop Tempo Dauer
Great ride, great speed, iconic ride. Sometimes it has a rattle, but its not bad at all.