• Dan Getliffe

    Abschuss Intensität Kapazität Dead spots

    Pretty fast launch, pretty boring layout. The first banked turn is very good, but there’s not too much of note after that. Always has long queues which I can never quite understand.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Spaß Intensität

    It’s fun, but pretty sedate. A great starting coaster if anyone’s apprehensive about them, but it’s not great for repeat rides - the novelty quickly wears off. Also I much preferred the ‘Air’ theming!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Abschuss Spaß Rütteln Unangenehm Layout

    Probably one of my most memorable coaster experiences of recent times - I had no idea what this ride was, so imagine my surprise when I got hit by the intensity and speed of the launch! It’s admittedly super rough and has a few dead spots but it’s definitely worth a ride - it’s just fun! The lake section is great on the left side too. A must ride, but probably not one you’ll be able to repeat much!

  • Dan Getliffe

    First Drop Inversionen Intensität Rütteln Unangenehm

    I only rode this twice on the front, so I can’t comment on the rattle further back, but this is a quite intense and impressive ride. Some great, fast inversions and build up of speed all the way round. Could have been a 9, but it gave me an awful headache second time round (probably due to the intensity)! Hard to repeat ride.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Thematisierung Enttäuschend! Unangenehm Irrelevant

    This is a bizarre ride. It just doesn’t really do anything of any note at all. It has nice theming but that’s about it. Terrible track design.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Spaß Unangenehm

    Slightly rough but actually surprisingly fast! Not bad at all for a kids coaster.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Airtimes Unangenehm Dead spots

    Fairly decent small wooden coaster. Not particularly exciting, and will destroy your knees if you’re tall!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Rütteln Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    Slightly better for discomfort than the red side but there’s not much in it. Same again here - horrible ride experience with extreme discomfort. Do not under any circumstances go at the back if you like your skeleton the way it is!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Rütteln Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    This is definitely the worse of the two sides I think - and my word is it uncomfortable. The lap bars are digging into your stomach, the sides are pressing against you, and the entire car is rattling the entire way. Some corners are quite fast which worsens the discomfort and rattle. It’s a horrible ride experience which overshadows everything else.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Meisterwerk Inversionen

    First time I went near the front and I was disappointed, but at the back it is a completely different experience and jumps straight into my favourites of all time. The airtime is absolutely incredible, and the feeling when you get pulled over that first drop is almost indescribable - you feel like you are definitely going to fall out thanks to the brilliant lap bars. (Do be warned - if you have really really long legs or are quite big, you will NOT fit so maybe check the restrictions before you go. I saw at least 3 people unable to ride). It has incredible views of the park as you go round, and is also quite long, with relatively fast operations (if they are running two trains!). The section through the water spray is also a nice touch. An amazing experience that you should not miss. Only con I can think of is it’s maybe missing an inversion somewhere? But I don’t really think it needs it, it’s a phenomenal ride.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Enttäuschend! Unangenehm Abschuss

    Never been more disappointed in a coaster. The launch is extremely lack-luster, it launches from a rolling start and doesn’t really accelerate fast enough to that top speed point, zapping all the intensity out of it. It also has a terrible rattle around halfway down the straight at the back. The top hat is not bad, with really great views and some decent airtime, and of course it’s fast! For me it should all be about that launch and it just does not deliver in that regard. Special mention goes to it’s operations which ruined the experience for me. Staff will not let you queue for front seat - you cannot even let other people past you while you wait for the next one. This is mind boggling and I think is there to ensure people buy their speedy passes (which allow you to go front seat for an extra charge). Was not able to see if it was better in the front when I went a second time!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Spaß Layout

    Perfectly fine wooden coaster. Not really that exciting, but a decent ride experience.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Spaß Zu kurz

    Fun kids coaster - just extremely short! Should at least go round twice really.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Unangenehm Irrelevant

    There’s no pros about this ride. None. It’s uncomfortable, slow, boring and flings you about all over the place. Saved from a half star by the racing element which is sort of fun (not that you have any control over the ride!)

  • Dan Getliffe

    Airtimes Kapazität Nette Überraschung! Zu kurz

    I really like this ride which surprised me. It doesn’t look much, but it’s such a unique ride experience. So much airtime and sudden drops from both sides which you can’t see coming. Quite intense too! Downsides are that it’s slightly short and seats are not that comfortable, but it’s a really good ride and a nice surprise!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Thematisierung Standort Headbanging Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    It’s a shame because some parts of it are quite good at the start, and the theming near the water is really photogenic. It just has the worst restraints I’ve ever used, and is quite painful from the mid section onwards. There are also two inversions in a row that are probably the worst section of any rollercoaster in the world - it’s that bad. You’ll know it when you ride it!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Spaß Rütteln Unangenehm

    It’s fun but I’ve never ridden a more rough ride (Infusion comes close!). Make sure to keep your mouth closed or you might bite your tongue off!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Standort Tempo Dauer Rütteln Unangenehm

    A good fast coaster with incredible views of Blackpool beach - during the illuminations the view is incredible. Lap bars also add to it by feeling like you are going to fall out at the top. Just a bit too unconfortable at certain parts now.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Spaß Dauer Kapazität Unangenehm

    It’s super rough but a lot of fun - was laughing all the way round! A big minus is the capacity - they usually run only one train which takes 24 people, and it takes 6 minutes to load/unload and complete a circuit which is mad!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Quite short but enjoyable nonetheless. Chooses a strange point to end on as you pick up pace!