• Carter M.

    Airtimes First Drop Duration

    New Texas Giant is the best roller coaster at Six Flags Over Texas by a lot. It is very long and filled with airtime and great overbanks. Sure, it's weak for an RMC, but it's still an amazing ride and you shouldn't miss it. I should also add that it has the Gerstlauer RMC trains, which are great, and much better than the RMC made trains with their shin guards.

  • Carter M.

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity Layout

    Titan is way too overhated by enthusiasts. It's a fun ride! Who cares if it's not at the level of a B&M Hyper? Titan has an awesome first drop, which in the back is great. You'll be floating out of your seat the whole way down. It then goes under a tunnel and up into a turnaround. And if I'm honest, this part makes me kind of angry. Instead of an airtime hill or some great element, they put in a pointless turnaround that kills the speed and does nothing. My biggest complaint about the ride. Titan then drops you off the turnaround and into the second and final airtime moment on the ride, a small camelback. This hill provides some great floater airtime as well. The rest of the ride is filled with two crazy intense helixes that will you have greying out, and some fast banked turns. It's still a very smooth ride after over 20 years, and is my #2 park at Over Texas. It also hardly has a long line, due to many people being too scared to do it, and due to it being extremely difficult to find.

  • Carter M.

    Launch Intensity Hangtime Too short Discomfort

    This ride is stupid intense from start to finish. Mr Freeze has a great loading system that keeps the line moving quickly, and a solidly themed queue, especially for Six Flags, that unfortunately can be roasting in the summer when the AC is having problems. Now on to the coaster itself, it is fantastic. #3 at the park. The backwards launch is great, and at 70 mph, you really feel the speed. In the back row, or should I say front row, you get some insane hangtime on the top hat. You then roar through an overbank, which is a little rough, and then backwards up the gigantic vertical spike which provides some airtime at the top. You rocket back down and complete the course again forwards, and this time the back row gets some insane hangtime on the top hat. All in all, it's very short, but considering the intensity, if it were much longer it may be too much to handle. It's slightly rough for a steel coaster, and the trains are pretty cramped, but it is definitely a can't miss ride at Over Texas.

  • Carter M.

    Fun Intensity Ejectors Too short

    Shock Wave truly is a hidden gem. The back-to-back loops pack in the positives and are a guaranteed grey out. The second and third hills provide some of the most insane ejector airtime in the world. And it has lap bars. It can be a little janky as old Schwarzkopf coasters are, but its size and speed make it so that the jankiness is not very noticeable. If I were to be nit-picky, it's a very short ride, but it doesn't get very long lines and is too forgotten about in the coaster world.

  • Carter M.

    Inversions Intensity Rattle Headbanging Discomfort

    While it's not an awful ride, Batman is not tall, not fast, and uncomfortable. Sure it's whippy and intense, but that alone cannot carry a ride in my opinion, and there is a lot of headbanging on this rattly B&M, especially on the corkscrews. I have to brace myself for them every time. While the Zero G Roll is a great element, this ride does not really have any others. The front row is the only spot where you can get a half decent ride on this coaster.

  • Solar Winds

    Airtimes First Drop Comfort

    While I may prefer Orion overall, Diamondback is a very close second in the park. Offers some of the best floater airtime on any ride. The first drop is phenomenal and I love the splashdown effect towards the end. It's currently my 3rd favorite B&M hyper behind Candymonium and Nitro.

  • James Jenkins

    Airtimes Pace Duration Capacity

    I did both tracks once and even the lightning lane line for them was at least 20 minutes. But when I got on I was blown away. They put me in the back row and the airtime was sharp short and aggressive. The pacing was out of this world. And it is a long ride and makes the most out of the setting. I prefer omega over alpha. But that may be because I did alpha in the front and it wasn’t as aggressive. My new #1

  • Nabil T.

    First Drop Location Duration Discomfort Airtimes

    Very disappointing that this is the UKs tallest coaster, it has a good first drop and that's it. Its a boring monorail after that

  • Sam P.

    Theming Fun Layout

    A bland ride with a standard layout, but some decent theming makes it a good enjoyable small coaster

  • Sam P.

    Smoothness Duration Discomfort Lap Bar

    A fun powered coaster with a decent layout, nice theming and always a nice location at Tivoli Gardens. Do watch the restraint and the position of yourself in the seat though, as a guy it can be a bit uncomfortable if it doesn't all line up well!