Using Captain Coaster

Captain Coaster is a community website for theme parks and roller coasters enthusiasts. It is affiliated to no park, nor manufacturer, nor amusement industry company.

It is opened to anyone : you just need to connect to share your experience on coasters (ratings, tags, reviews). To access these features, you will need a valid Google account or email address. Having multiple accounts is definitely forbidden and will lead to a permanent ban.

All participative fields are reviewed by team moderators who reserve the right to edit or delete any post. Users not complying with these rules can be banned temporarily or permanently.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will explain how our website uses the personal data we collect from you when you use Captain Coaster.

Captain Coaster collects the following data when you register:

  • First name and last name,
  • Email address,
  • Public profile picture (only when using Google authentication)

We will keep your data as long as you use our service, in a secure storage and respectfully of the French law "Loi Informatique et Libertés du 6 janvier 1978".

They are never shared to anyone, and are used only to create an account and for some Captain Coaster features.

Every user is entitled to the following:

  • The right to access - You have the right to request us for copies of your personal data, sent by email,
  • The right to rectification - You have the right to request that a correction of any information you believe is inaccurate or missing,
  • The right to erasure - You have the right to request that we erase your personal data.

If you have any questions about Captain Coaster privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please contact us.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are small files stored on a user's computer to make your life simpler.

Captain Coaster uses a session cookie to remember you when you connect. It avoids you to sign in each time you visit us. We also use a Google Analytics cookie for statistics.


Captain Coaster is hosted by Amazon Web Services, whose headquarters are in Seattle, Washington, United States. Our servers are located in Paris, France.


The "Captain Coaster" logo belongs to Benjamin R., Captain Coaster has the exclusive rights to use and modify it. Any reproduction without authorization is forbidden.

Every user can upload pictures on Captain Coaster with its credit. If you are the owner of a photo you don’t want to share on Captain Coaster, please contact us and the picture will be removed as soon as possible.

Contact us

Any questions or remarks ? Contact us, we don't bite.