• Semina S.

    Family credit

  • Semina S.

    Airtimes First Drop Fun Capacity

    If there is one word to describe Goliath it is: badass. This coaster is just super fun with great airtime and an intense first drop. Only complaint is that the 3 back rows weren’t available so capacity wasn’t great.

  • Lachlan S.

    The woods make a nice setting for an otherwise unspectacular coaster. These Tivoli coasters are fun but unoriginal

  • Lachlan S.

    Fantastic roller coaster, there's drops, airtime and quick turns. There are some painful jolts to watch out for though!

  • Lachlan S.

    It's nowhere near as rough as I was expecting, but the theme is half finished. The ride looks okay from the outside but once on the ride the theme is non-existant and the ride looks awful.

  • Lachlan S.

    The first half is taken surprisingly fast, and it's good fun! The ride is rattly and presentation poor, but I still enjoyed it.

  • Laurent B.

    Location Rattle Harness Disappointing!

    La pire des Dives ridées à mon compte. Impossible de détrôner Sheikra à mes yeux et et l'arrivée de Yukon Striker classe Valravn (déjà bien engagé) dans les oubliettes aux dives.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes Intensity Duration

    Great wooden coaster that gives fantastic airtime along its numerous drops and airtime hills. Something to note is that the 2nd half of the ride after the turn around is much different from the 1st. While the 1st half is more airtime focused, the 2nd half is more of the train traversing some very minimally banked turns while at speed for some witheringly intense lateral G forces.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Location Layout Harness Intensity

    I was honestly expecting a lot worse due to this ride's reputation as a TOGO. While the ride was definitely nowhere near as painful to ride as I was expecting, it was also much less intense than I thought it would be based on its layout. The drop-down shoulder restraints are pretty annoying and pointless considering you already have a perfectly sufficient lap bar; however I didn't get much headbanging on them, so they were just more of a bother than anything. Ride at night; the lit up Vegas strip really makes this ride's location shine, and makes this ride worth riding at least once purely from a scenic standpoint.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Intensity

    While the "Millennium Forceless" moniker may have merit, the sheer speed that the first giga consistently delivers throughout the whole ride is something that simply needs to be experienced. While she may lack the withering Gs and layouts of some of her newer competition, she's still got some tricks up her sleeve. Millie gives great airtime on the hills, in addition to an insane first drop. Definitely ride in the back for the best airtime; you get flung over the top into the first drop, giving insane ejector air that's sustained throughout the drop.