• Pavlína S.

    First Drop Intensity Smoothness

    If it wasn’t for Zadra, this would be the best coaster in Poland. To be honest, I expected it to be more intense according to the reviews but still it delivered in every aspect. I don’t know why everyone always only talks about the positive G’s when this has the overall package of everything, including great and surprising airtime, inversions and laterals. And the drop in the back row will change your life, my favorite drop so far on any coaster. Plus you can just marathon it when you are at Legendia because it usually has no queue.

  • GLaDOS

    Theming Fun Smoothness Capacity

    Original review (April 2024) [OUTDATED]: This is a good family coaster with horrendous throughput. It looks really good with all of the theming, not on par with Taron but it still looks amazing. You can get two cycles if the queue isn't too long, which I did. The first drop doesn't do much, it just picks up speed really. The pullout has some positive G forces. The helix has decent Gs going forwards and the following transition has a bit of whip. The train didn't get lifted up before going backwards on the first pass, but even though it did on the second pass, it didn't feel any different. It's just a less forceful version of the layout going backwards, which is perfect for a family coaster, really. The only knock on it is it's abysmal capacity which isn't great for a family coaster. The backwards section can also be nauseating if you a weaker stomach, but it was fine for me. The lap bar has shin guards, which can make it uncomfortable. It's fine if you have shorter legs but it was a bit of a problem for me. It's more comfortable if you cross your legs, but that's the issue... you HAVE to cross your legs to have the best experience. Update July 2024: Honestly the shin guards are not a problem. The trains are quite comfortable, but there is a bit of a shuffle to the ride. The first drop is nice and the forwards and backwards sections are rather intense for a family coaster and it did two laps with a 5 minute wait both times. Fun ride.

  • Pavlína S.

    Pace Masterpiece Smoothness

    RMC, what have you created? I am still blown away a week after riding. My credit count is still quite low and I have been an enthusiast only for about a year now but I can’t imagine anything better than this ride. It is just perfect in every sense, it is intense, fast, well-paced, it has the best variety and collection of elements, it is not repetitive and the zero G stall is the best coaster element ever. The restraints are comfortable and it is smooth as butter. You know why there are the abrupt brakes at the end? To make you bow down in front of the queen of coasters.

  • GLaDOS

    Nice surprise! Fun Duration

    Original review (April 2024): This is a roller coaster that I didn't expect anything from, yet it impressed me in nearly every way. It's long (it has three lift hills), it's rather smooth, and the VR is really well synced to the layout and it adds a lot to what is already a good family ride and I personally think the VR adds to the experience. It's not forceless either, it has some intense turns despite its relatively slow speed. Honestly, I don't understand why this is ranked so poorly, as it's one of the best family coasters that I've ever ridden. An underrated ride that you shouldn't miss. Update July 2024: I have a few things to add since my first ride. Now that I've ridden Eurosat Coastality, I have to say that Crazy Bats is the better VR coaster experience. The headsets have louder audio, the image is clearer, and the way you board the train, while less unique, is more handy. You walk a bit with the headset in Eurosat, and while it's a unique visual, it can be poorly adjusted to your height and quite disorienting. It's also better storytelling wise. It's a longer ride with less forces, but it honestly is more suited for VR than Eurosat is. If you easily get motion sick, asking to ride without a headset can help. One of my group members got motion sick from the VR so it's just something you have to know. It was fine for me though.

  • Pavlína S.

    Airtimes First Drop Lap Bar Rattle

    A world class coaster with an amazing layout, first drop and airtime which is however almost ruined by the rattle. I didn't expect it to be that rough at all, the wing seats towards the back were almost comparable to the SLC next door and I rode it over three days in different seats and rows. Fortunately the middle seats and the front are still tolerable but I couldn't do more than one lap in a while. On the other hand, the first drop, camel back and inversion are still worth the possible headache. Do something about the rattle and it will be flawless.

  • Tse C Y

    Inversions Location Launch

    the Launch and the pre launch dips are better than that main drop

  • Tse C Y

    First Drop Location Intensity Capacity

    We need more of these

  • Bubble Gaming

    Fun Smoothness

    Smooth considering the six flags wild mice are rough for some reason. Turns are still jarring, but not as much as GCGEFAA. Rest is just an average wild mice that thankfully has a brake run that isn’t too abrupt.

  • Bubble Gaming


    Nothing noteworthy, although for some reason this is filled with decent laterals.

  • Jamis

    Launch Fun Smoothness Capacity Reliability

    This was my highlight of my trip in August. The launch is very intense, and the person didn't even finish talking before, catching me off guard.