• Coaster Nut

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Discomfort Airtimes

    Clunky. That's the word. Like other Morgans, each airtime hill is followed by an abrupt "clunk" as the train refamiliarizes itself with the track. Anyway, the first drop is good, and the first half has nice floater airtimes. The helix is fun and provides good positive Gs. The bunny hills at the end have good ejectors, but each is followed by the "clunk" that slams you back into the seat.

  • Pink P.

    Capacity Nice surprise! Fun Theming

    The coaster itself is OK, but I didn't like the Ekipa sponsorship. And by the way, if you don't know, what Ekipa is - it's pretty much just a bunch of overrated youtubers who make cringy content just for money. They're extremely popular in Poland that they released a lot of merch (e.g. ice cream, shirts, notebooks etc) that sold out instantly, especially with children and teens alike. Speaking of the coaster, I prefer Light Explorers to Boomerang, because it has more drops and surprises.

  • Crafting Oko

    Intensity Headbanging Harness Discomfort

    Vekoma SLC…

  • Scott L.

    Theming Masterpiece Intensity

    Taron is definitely one of Intamin's finest creations. The launches pack quite the punch (especially the 2nd one), the theming is world-class, the trains are super comfy and the layout itself is packed with airtime, laterals and super intense moments. Taron is the perfect length for a coaster and has been built in with its surrounding areas, flawlessly. It's easy to see why many prefer this coaster over many of Intamin's other creations, such as Velocicoaster. Top 5 coaster easily and doubt it'll move anywhere soon.

  • Samantha P.

    Theming Fun

    I loved this as Eurosat and I still love it as Cancan. The theming in the queue and station are amazing as always with Europa park. I think it's even not so bad on ride, maybe some empty spots but overall not too bad. It's not particularly comfortable but nor is it uncomfortable. It's just fun, I always enjoy it :)

  • Samantha P.

    Inversions Rattle Harness Discomfort

    I rode this in June 2023. I liked the IronMan animatronic in the queue line, wish he spoke in English too although of course they couldn't get RDJ to do the voice most likely so I understand. I don't like that you have to take your bags on ride for this, no reason they can't have a trolley system for bags or shelving like other parks do. Having ridden it when it was Rockin Rollercoaster with Aerosmith but many many years ago, I remember liking it. However I really did not enjoy this coaster. Rough and painful and I hated the restraints, super uncomfortable on my shoulders and even some headbanging. The launch is ok as are the inversions but the themeing on the ride isn't amazing. I came off pretty disappointed and in pain, so didn't like it.

  • Blathers

    Get an off balance car and this thing will spin like crazy. Fun ride but nothing too crazy. Great for what it is

  • Blathers

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors

    I ride this all the time with it being at my home park and the first drop in the back is so incredible every single time. Tons of amazing airtime moments, and most of my rides do not let up on the last lap and it finishes strong enough.

  • Blathers

    Airtimes Inversions Duration Lap Bar

    Incredible ride, truly a world class coaster with a wonderful layout and setting next to the Connecticut river. I used to complain about the lap bar but I haven't had an uncomfortable ride in a while after knowing how to position myself better. The first drop and airtime hills are amazing, with the 4th hill having absolutely insane ejector airtime. Favorite seat is the back, but the front is just as good due to the sense of speed. Everything about this ride is just great.. the operations, the capacity, the ride length, the location, etc.

  • Blathers

    First Drop Intensity Smoothness

    This is a very good boomerang and rides quite smooth compared to Flashback at the nearby SFNE. You'll only experience very mild headbanging on the cobra roll. Everything else is comfortable and enjoyable. Intense vertical loop especially going backwards, and the first drop is always great.