• Nathan Coole

    Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Theming

    I was lucky enough to get two rides on this thing on opening day (rows 9 and 7) and both times it completely blew me away. Each element is absolutely fantastic, especially the first drop and the stall dive loop. The airtime is absolutely phenomenal and you feel like you're out of your seat the entire ride. The strongest airtime comes from the first drop (especially nearer the back of the train), but the jr immelmann and the crazy outerbanked inversion turn thing are also solid moments. Despite looking like quite a short ride, I'm happy to say it feels a lot longer than it is. Probably because of how punchy and purposeful every element is. Obviously the theming is a little lacking but the layout more than makes up for it, plus there's a cool dispatch sequence so I'm not too bothered. It's easily the best coaster I've ridden, the best first drop I've experienced, and the best coaster in the UK. 5 Stars!