• Thomas Stoker

    Airtimes Intensity Layout Discomfort

    My god this ride is so good, even though it is full on endurance test. Never felt intensity like it on a wooden coaster. Yes this thing is rough as hell; it does feel like broken ribs, but I loved this thing

  • Thomas Stoker

    First Drop Pace Intensity Harness

    As someone who doesn't like standard Vekoma boomerangs, I as skeptical as to how this would feel. Let's just say that it absolutely blew me away. The 2 spikes are utterly insane, crazy forces and some amazing pacing. Not to mention that it is so smooth for old school Vekoma. A ride that must not be slept on. Has no right to be that insane

  • Thomas Stoker

    Airtimes Masterpiece Duration

    The moment that this ride leaves the lift hill, it is absolute insanity for the next minute or so. The airtime is absolutely ridiculous, the pacing is absolutely fantastic, inversions are intense and filled with whippy moments, and to top it all off, it's smooth as can be. Deserves the title as the world's best. Even more special for me as it was my 300th coaster. Couldn't have asked for a better milestone. Incredible